Posted in Father Father's Day God

Embracing the Fatherhood of God on Father’s Day

Embracing the Fatherhood of God on Father’s Day – On this special occasion of Father’s Day, we have a beautiful opportunity to celebrate and reflect upon the divine gift of fatherhood. While we honor earthly fathers and their impact in our lives, it is crucial to remember the profound love and guidance of our Heavenly Father, who serves as the ultimate example of perfect fatherhood. In this blog post, let us explore the essence of God’s fatherly nature and how it shapes our understanding of fatherhood. #fathersday #bgbg2

Posted in Father God Love

The Unchanging Love of Our Heavenly Father

The Unchanging Love of Our Heavenly Father – In our earthly journey, many of us have experienced the love and care of a father figure. However, human fathers, with all their imperfections, may fall short at times. But here’s the remarkable truth for those who follow Christ: God the Father stands above all earthly comparisons. His love is unyielding, unwavering, and unlike anything we could ever experience. In this blog post, we will explore the comforting assurance that God the Father will never leave us, forsake us, or abuse us, contrasting His infinite love with the limitations of our earthly fathers. #bgbg2

A-Z of Father's Day - An A to Z list of things related to Father's Day and/or being a Dad. #FathersDay
Posted in Father's Day

A-Z of Father’s Day

A-Z of Father’s Day – An A to Z list of things related to Father’s Day and/or being a Dad. #FathersDay

TV Dads
Posted in Christian Christian Books Christian Movies Courageous Family Father God Marriage

Fathers: Old TV Show Dads

I talk about Fathers, Old TV Show Dads, Earthly Fathers and even our Heavenly Father. What Father do you remember from Television? #OldTVShowDads #TVDads #FathersDay #Dad #Father (Can you name some old tv show dads?)

Posted in Christian Music

American Idol Christian Music Artists

American Idol Christian Music Artists – Here are some Christian music artists who got their start on American Idol:

Posted in Camping Christian LifeWay Christian Stores Youth

Experiencing Spiritual Growth and Community at Centrifuge Camp

Experiencing Spiritual Growth and Community at Centrifuge Camp – Centrifuge Camp, also known as FUGE Camps, organized by Lifeway, is a transformative experience that has been impacting the lives of countless Christian youth across the country. Offering a unique blend of faith-based teachings, outdoor activities, and a vibrant community, Centrifuge Camp provides an environment for young believers to grow in their relationship with God and form lifelong friendships. In this blog post, we will delve into the essence of Christian Centrifuge Camp, exploring its key elements and the positive impact it has on participants. #FUGECamp #Centrifuge

person writing on white paper
Posted in Christian

Trusting God’s Silence: Lessons Learned When He Seems Distant

Trusting God’s Silence: Lessons Learned When He Seems Distant – In our journey of faith, we often experience seasons where God’s presence feels distant, and His voice seems faint or even silent. It is during these times of spiritual dryness that we may question our faith, wonder if we are doing something wrong, or feel abandoned. However, it is essential to remember that the old saying holds true: “The teacher is always quiet during the test.” In this blog post, we will explore the profound lessons we can learn when we do not feel or hear from God, and how these moments can actually be opportunities for growth.

Posted in Christian Yoga

Exploring Yoga: Is it Biblical or Not?

Exploring Yoga: Is it Biblical or Not? Yoga has become increasingly popular in the Western world, offering physical and mental benefits to its practitioners. However, for those who hold strong religious beliefs, questions may arise about whether yoga aligns with their faith. In this blog post, we will delve into the essence of yoga, examine its origins, and explore whether it is compatible with biblical principles. #yoga #bgbg2

Posted in CBD Christian

Exploring CBD: Is It Biblical?

Exploring CBD: Is It Biblical? In recent years, the popularity of CBD (cannabidiol) has surged, with various claims about its potential health benefits. As discussions around CBD continue, it is natural to wonder whether its usage aligns with biblical principles. In this blog post, we will delve into the subject, considering different perspectives and seeking clarity on the question: Is CBD biblical? #CBD #bgbg2

Posted in Christian Video Game

Gate Zero, an immersive video game that explores the Bible

Gate Zero is a Bible exploration video game that takes you back in time to explore ancient Israel, interact with gospel stories and examine the deeper meaning of Jesus’ words. Gate Zero was born out of a need to bring the Bible to life in an immersive, interactive and accessible way for today’s youth. #GateZero

bonfire on forest
Posted in Bible Christian Men of the Bible

Fanning the Flames of Faith: Lessons from an Eagle Scout and 2 Timothy 1

Fanning the Flames of Faith: Lessons from an Eagle Scout and 2 Timothy 1 – In the world of scouting, the image of an Eagle Scout skillfully fanning the flames of a campfire is a familiar one. It symbolizes both the ability to ignite a fire and the responsibility to nurture and sustain it. As Christians, we can draw valuable lessons from this imagery. In the second letter of Timothy, the Apostle Paul provides guidance on how to fan the flames of our faith. Just as an Eagle Scout tends to a campfire, we are called to nurture and protect the fire of our faith, allowing it to grow brighter and stronger. Let’s explore two powerful lessons from 2 Timothy 1 that can inspire us to fan the flames of our faith. #bgbg2

Posted in Bible Christian Apps

Bible Apps

There are numerous Bible apps available for different platforms. Here are a few popular ones:

Posted in Christian

Walking in the Footsteps of Faith: Unveiling the Journey of Jerusalem Cruisers

Walking in the Footsteps of Faith: Unveiling the Journey of Jerusalem Cruisers – In the realm of Christian symbolism, few items are as deeply intertwined with biblical history and the journey of faith as sandals. Specifically, Jerusalem Cruisers, often referred to as “sandals,” carry a profound significance that traces back to the time of Jesus Christ. These simple yet sturdy footwear have traversed the sands of time, leaving an indelible imprint on the spiritual sojourn of believers. Join us as we delve into the significance of Jerusalem Cruisers and uncover the profound lessons they hold for our faith journey. #bgbg2

Posted in God

Running to God: Lessons from Forest Gump’s Unwavering Faith

Running to God: Lessons from Forest Gump’s Unwavering Faith – In the famous film “Forrest Gump,” the titular character embarks on a remarkable journey, running tirelessly across the United States. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, Forrest’s unwavering determination serves as an inspiring example for Christians to embrace in their spiritual journey. In our pursuit of God, we are called to run towards Him with unrelenting fervor, trusting in His grace and guidance. This blog post explores the parallels between Forrest Gump’s relentless running and our own quest to draw closer to God, encouraging us to persevere, no matter the circumstances. #ForestaGump #bgbg2

Posted in Christian Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness: If We Still Did “An Eye for an Eye,” the World Would Be Blind

The Power of Forgiveness: If We Still Did “An Eye for an Eye,” the World Would Be Blind – In our journey of faith, we encounter powerful teachings that challenge our worldview and call us to a higher standard. One such teaching is the concept of “an eye for an eye,” often associated with justice and retribution. However, as Christians, we are called to embrace a radical idea that transcends this ancient principle. In this blog post, we will explore the profound message behind the words of Jesus and understand why if we still followed the principle of “an eye for an eye,” the world would indeed be blind. #bgbg2

Posted in Christian Music Christian Radio

Who is Wally from “The Wally Show” on Way-FM?

Who is Wally from “The Wally Show” on Way-FM? If you’re a fan of Christian radio, chances are you’ve come across “The Wally Show” on Way-FM. The charismatic host, Wally, has captivated listeners across the nation with his humor, insightful conversations, and genuine love for connecting with people. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the life and career of Wally and discover what makes him such a beloved figure in the world of radio. #Wally #TheWallyShow #WayFM

Posted in Christian Music Manafest

Unleashing the Power of Music: Exploring the Journey of Manafest

Unleashing the Power of Music: Exploring the Journey of Manafest – In the vast world of music, there are artists who captivate us with their talent, lyrics, and unique style. One such artist is Chris Greenwood, better known by his stage name, Manafest. With his unwavering passion and profound storytelling abilities, Manafest has carved a distinct niche for himself in the realms of Christian rock, rap, and alternative music. In this blog post, we will delve into the journey of Manafest, exploring his music, influences, and the impact he has made on his listeners. #Manafest

Posted in Christian

Fred Rogers: A Legacy of Kindness, Compassion, and Education

Fred Rogers: A Legacy of Kindness, Compassion, and Education – In a world often filled with noise, chaos, and negativity, there are individuals who stand out as beacons of light. Fred Rogers, widely known as “Mr. Rogers,” was one such extraordinary individual who left an indelible mark on generations of children and adults alike. Through his beloved television show, “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” Fred Rogers became an icon of kindness, compassion, and education, leaving behind a powerful legacy that continues to resonate with us today. #MrRogers #FredRogers

World Brain Tumor Day - This is an awareness day, held June 8 of each year.
Posted in Health & Fitness

World Brain Tumor Day

World Brain Tumor Day – This is an awareness day, held June 8 of each year. This day started in 2000 by the German Brain Tumor Association (GBTA) to help raise awareness of this lethal disease. #WorldBrainTumorDay #BrainTumorDay

Posted in Christian Music KJ-52

KJ-52: A Journey of Faith and Influence in Christian Hip Hop

KJ-52: A Journey of Faith and Influence in Christian Hip Hop – In the realm of Christian hip hop, few artists have made as lasting an impact as KJ-52. With a career spanning over two decades, KJ-52 has not only left an indelible mark on the genre but has also become a voice of authenticity, transparency, and faith. This blog post will delve into the inspiring journey of KJ-52, exploring his musical contributions, his faith-driven message, and the enduring influence he has had on both the Christian and hip hop communities. #KJ52