Your Final Destination – 10 out of 10 people die! Where will your final destination be? Is your eternal destination Heaven or Hell? (Only 2 places we will go) Plus the Video & Audio Version. #FinalDestination

Your Final Destination


Part of the Road Signs of the Bible Series.

Audio Version:

Video version shown below.

Your Final Destination - 10 out of 10 people die! Where will your final destination be? Is your eternal destination Heaven or Hell? (Only 2 places we will go) Plus the Video & Audio Version. #FinalDestination
Final Destination – Heaven or Hell

Matthew 13:41-43 (KJV)

41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

This parable represents the present and future state of the gospel church; Christ’s care of it, the devil’s enmity against it, the mixture there is in it of good and bad in this world, and the separation between them in the other world.1

Where is your final destination?

I am not talking about the thriller horror type movies called Final Destination or even a place you go for a vacation or out to eat but I am talking about our salvational final destination, our soul’s eternal final destination. Where will your soul take residence for eternity? Both locations you will be able to feel, see, think and know what is going on around you and who is around you. Your eternal destination is your final destination. You will not be able to go anywhere else after you arrive here.


[des-tuh-ney-shuh n]2

the place to which a person or thing travels or is sent:

It is a proven fact that 10 out of 10 people die.

We all go through an earthy death. Our final destination is what matters! That’s because it is where were will spend eternity. For the saved there is good news for the lost there is terrible news. We all will face death, myself included. We will have only two places where we will go after death. That choice is up to you!

Death is part of life.

Eventually we all will die. I know its hard and we don’t want our love ones to die. We get selfish and wish that they were still here on earth. Old saying we should mourn the born and rejoice in the dead. If your loved one is saved, they are in a better place. This is why we must take death seriously because it will determine our final destination. Check out Death Happens for more information.

Why do we die?

That stems from the first sin by Eve, then to Adam. That was the fall of man. Sin entered the world. Adam and Eve didn’t listen to God. They were told they could not eat from the forbidden fruit. Satan, tempted Eve, who took a bite. Then, Eve tempted Adam, who also took a bite. Because man didn’t listen to God, it caused their sin, which is disobedience to God, and caused a penalty for it. That penalty is an earthly death. See Romans 3:23

For the wages of sin is death.

This brings us to why it’s important to accept Jesus as your personal Savior because we’re never promised tomorrow. See Proverbs 27:1 & Matthew 6:34

Do not boast about tomorrow, For you do not know what a day may bring forth.

Above Proverbs 27:1

Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Above Matthew 6:34

We could die at any time without notice or Jesus could come back at any time without notice as well. Are you ready to meet Jesus? I pray that you are are.

Accepting Jesus Christ

I said earlier it is great news for those who are saved.

If you are truly saved and accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior then will have eternal life with a new glorified body in Heaven. Remember Jesus died for our sins, he arose 3 days later and then acceded into Heaven on the right hand side of God. (that is why God is left handed!) Jesus is up in Heaven making intercession for those of us who are saved.

I am so glad my Savior, Jesus Christ conquered death so that we may live with Him in Heaven. Eternal Life with the one who saved us. No better place to be.

If you accepted Jesus and you die you have eternal life with Him in heaven no more pain, no more suffering and present with God.

Old saying Absent from the body is present with the Lord.

Jesus is the way to heaven, the only way. We cannot earn our way to heaven. It is by the gift of God, grace that we are saved. Because Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the Life, No one comes to the father but through me. John 14:6

Jesus bore mine sin, your sin, past sin and future sin on that Cross. We nailed Him to the cross because of our sin. He took it all.

You can’t trust yourself.

You can’t trust your church. Church membership doesn’t do it. Baptist doesn’t do it! Trying to live right doesn’t do it. The world cannot save you either. There’s no one good or righteous. Jesus is the only one that was and He paid our debt. Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He bore our sins on the cross. He did this so we can have eternal life with Him with our Father in Heaven. When God looks down upon us he will see his precious Son’s blood on us. Jesus became that sacrificial lamb.

Anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord Shall Be saved.

It is said several times in the Bible. Romans 10:13, Acts 2:21 and Joel 2:32.

April 15 is the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Did you know there was a hero on the boat? He is know as the Last Titanic Hero. Rev. John Harper. He stayed on the boat to shout and tell people Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and ye shall be saved. Knowing what waits him by staying on the boat. He didn’t want to see the sinking souls be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Then Harper was on a log and asked a man how is your soul, the man said I am not sure. They drifted apart. Later they came back and meet. Harper asked gain, How is your soul. Just then Harper went under and drowned. Harper gave his life for Christ so another would live. That man he asked the question to survived and got saved by that. He also was a survivor from the Titanic. (Click to read more on Rev. John Harper)

All sin no matter what you commit is forgiven,

You must turn to God with a repentant heart and ask for forgiveness. Confess and repent, to turn away, or a change in direction.

However there is only one sin that is not forgiven. The Reject of of Christ!

Rejection of Jesus Christ

If you reject Jesus you will spend eternity in hell.

Hell is full of everlasting Darkness, darkness unlike anyone has ever seen, pain, suffering, torture, and absence from God. The Bible tells us hell is a real place. Gnawing of teeth and much worse torment. Fire and Heat unlike anyone has ever experienced either. Unable to quench your thirst. There won’t be any partying going on. You will be bound in hell for eternity with Satan and his demons. This torture will not cease there will be no ending to it either.

The rich man got a glimpse of hell himself.

He knew the pain, the torture .He could even still recognize people. He even asked Abraham to have Lazarus to come and quench his thirst just with one drop of water. So you are aware of what is going on in this torture. He even begged that someone go warn his 5 brothers. If someone in hell was wanting to try to warn you of this don’t you think this destination is a serious place to stay away from? I believe so and this would not be your destination of choice either.  But, many choose this destination because they reject Jesus.

The devil will come to steal, kill and destroy.

Satan is the father of lies and he is very clever. He even knows the Word of God and he will try to use it to make you think you are doing good or make you think you are not if you are. The devil and his demons won’t be in charge of hell either like people think. They will be in the same torment that awaits those who reject Jesus. The false teachers and preachers will be here too. All of the lost and those who reject Jesus. The Bible tells us that creation is proof enough there is a God for you to seek Him and find His Son!

As I speak people are being cast into this everlasting Lake of Fire of destruction and punishment.

Your Final Destination (Lesson Video)

Your Final Destination listen as Steve teaches a lesson about two destinations that we end up in at the end. Heaven or Hell. This video goes with this blog post.

This is my first time teaching here at LifeCare Jefferson City, TN. I got it recorded, thanks to my friend, Pastor Justin. This Bible Lesson on Your Final Destination based on Matthew 13:41-43. Piedmont Baptist bring Church to the residents here. I was filling in for the pastor on April 25, 2015. (The Audio Version is shown above)

17:02 minutes


7 But the Lord shall endure forever;
He has prepared His throne for judgment.
8 He shall judge the world in righteousness,
And He shall administer judgment for the peoples in uprightness.

Above Psalm 9:7-8

We all have eternal life.

Our eternity after death, depends on if we Accept Jesus or Reject Jesus. I pray that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior. If you haven’t I pray that you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit to draw you in and accept Him today. For today is the day of salvation. Do not put if off, as I stated before tomorrow may be too late. God sent his one and only precious Son, His Son without blemish to die for us. The debt was paid. We only must accept this payment on our behalf and give our total lives to him. A total surrender.

Look at it this way, you were guilty of a bad crime in court.

The judge says your fine is one million dollars. If you are like me, you don’t have one million dollars. Someone in the court room stands up and says, your honor, I love this person and I want to see them set free. Here is the one million dollars to pay their fines. What would you think about that person? Wouldn’t you want to owe your all for that person because they paid a debt that they didn’t deserve to pay?

This is why it is important we bring as many souls with us to Heaven as we can. 

If you had a cure for a disease you will want someone to tell you what it is. We were told to tell the whole world about Jesus Christ, it is a commandment, a commission to tell the world. Our mission field is where we are right now, your work place, your school, your neighborhood, where you go out to eat or shop, everywhere you go is your mission field. Go and tell others what Christ done for you!

I do like what Barnes says about the text in Matthew 13:41-43

And the righteous, however much wickedness they may see, and however many hypocrites there may be in the church, should be cheered with the prospect that soon the just will be separated from the unjust, and that they shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament.6

Did you make the time you have count?

Your Dashed line is what matters. What have you done for the Lord from birth till the end of your earthly time. After death comes judgement. We will be held accountable for what we could have done but didn’t, what did do and shouldn’t have. etc. Just think of all of those in the grave yards right now. If they could speak and you could hear, they would say why didn’t you tell me about Jesus Christ?

Let me tell you and remind you we all sin and fallen short of the glory of God, but his gift is everlasting life. We must believe in Him that he came, died and arose the the 3rd day and is now acceded into Heaven and sitting on the right hand of God. We must also confess our sins and repent. We must confess with a repentive heart, to turn away. from that sin that is eating you and keeping you from fellowship with Christ.

You have the choice to choose your final destination!

It is up to you and you are only responsible for yourself, Choose today who you will serve.

But as for me and my House we will serve the Lord.

Sources & Notes:

  1. Matthew Henry Concise Bible Commentary
  2. Dictionary Reference
  3. Courageous Chritian Father | Death Happens
  4. Donald L. Hannah, Nimitz Baptist Church
  5. Charles Spurgeon
  6. Barnes Notes on the New Testament

Transcription of teaching

00:00:00 good evening again acid as my name is Steve Patterson Oh at piedmont Baptist Church and I work with the youth there and Pastor Bob asked me to come out here and give you our lesson today and I prayed about what God had my heart and he gave me a lesson here that I’ve studied thoroughly probably more than what I usually do for a youth water and we’re doing a blog because I do a Christian blog ministry as well so I got here and it’s what’s your final destination there’s two destinations that you can go to when we pass on

00:00:35 because there’s a proven fact that 10 out of 10 people die and after that we all have two destinations we can either be going to heaven or we can go to hell and the scripture i have is matthew 1341 343 so let’s a Greek gods we’re here the son of man will send out his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom and all things that offend and those who practice lawlessness and will cast them into the furnace of fire there will be wailing and knowledge of tea then the righteousness will shine forth as the

00:01:12 Sun and the kingdom of the father who has ears to hear let him hear and the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field found and that hid and the joy over it goes and sells at all that has the buys that field let’s great dear lord I thank you for this great wonderful day Lord be with this word here lord I pray that you use me Lord and fill me with you Lord and cleanse me of myself Lord be with this word for it and I precious name amen oh this parable here represents the future is the state of the gospel of the

00:01:50 church Christ cared for the church as we all know Christ gave his life for the church and in his time of these parables that was in here in numerical in the Matthew here he was talking about that there’s good and bad in the churches we all know that we see that all the time there are some good people in a church and there’s still some bad people in the church so this is what that’s terrible what here was saying so I’m going on to about where your destinations would have done your funny souls interesting

00:02:18 destination we all have a place that we’re going to go and that’s going to be either heaven or it’s going to be hell based on your acceptance or your denial of Jesus Christ the destination in the dictionary says it’s a place to which a person or thing travels are is sin and God gives us to places that you’ll send us there’s based on accepting of His Son Jesus Christ who died on a cross and shed his blood for us if we accept them or deny you as I said earlier there’s a proven fact at ten out of ten people

00:02:52 will die myself included my brother Justin back over here included my daughter all of us here were no exception the reason why we all have to die is because of the wages of sin for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Savior when we all pass on we will all face judgment with God based on what we did or did not do if we accepted Jesus Christ or did not Jesus Christ this is just a part of life death inner intervene when sin came in with Adam and Eve as we know the serpent

00:03:25 came through tempted Eve said hey yes you can eat this group here nothing bad will happen to you well he took it and notice that her eyes opened up to other things so she went and asked oh that on the Eden Adam coulda chose not to but Adam went ahead and went head and ate that fruit as well and one other thing too we need to worry about not worried about is not worrying worrying can’t be hard I know that for fact even last night I had a little worried myself but I knew it’s in God’s hands my daughter

00:03:59 was on a field trip with the physics class at the high school under way backed up from six flags in Georgia their bus broke down and so I’ve never hear she’s telling me it broke down they did broke down for about an hour about 3-4 hours later finally they got the bus fixed and on her way back there was due back at eleven-thirty last night at the high school they didn’t get back until about 3 30 this morning so you know as a parent you naturally going to worry but the good thing is I know that my

00:04:27 daughter was in the hands of god because I had many many people praying for that so you know what they would need to do is not worry especially if you’re saved you don’t need to worry because God’s got his crew God has you in his hands and I know that’s no better place to be but in God’s hands right here now what if you die right now and you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior he’s one that died for our sins he pay the debt that we could not pay and his sacrifice his blood was shed is he was

00:04:57 up on that cross and that crossed there he went to calgary for us God sent him as the perfect lamb he reap roulette he replaced though Passover lamb back into Jewish customs would have a Passover lamb and that blood had to be shed once a year for the atonement of sin but Jesus came and done it from once and for all and shed that blood for us so that we don’t have to do that anymore but we have to accept him as our personal Savior as Jesus Christ who died on that cross we have to accept them we have to believe in him and we

00:05:31 must confess to that he’s the lord and savior of our life part of that confession is also repentance we can’t live in open sin we have to repent of it a repentance is a change of direction we need to change our heart in order to follow God a true disciple of her from greg laurie is a pastor on TV in that and he says a true disciple will make time for christ so we need to make sure that we’re making time for christ as well and there’s one old saying to you know if we’re saved two is absent from the body is present with the Lord so you

00:06:08 know we hear a lot of people talking about them and they go oh why why this why that they wish that their loved one was still back here on earth me personally I look at that the different way death is a place that you know if they’re saying you don’t want to back here on earth anymore because of the pain that we have here we have sicknesses we have illnesses here and also we have a sin and temptation here on earth if they’re present in the seventh Jesus Christ still be in heaven there’ll be no more pain we’ll have that

00:06:35 glorified nude body and we’ll have no temptation no sin at all in heaven so that’s a good thing about accepting Jesus so we can have that final destination of heaven Jesus told us that he was the way he said in a Bible he said I am the way the truth and the life no one can come to the Father but through me the good thing is jesus is our interceptor interceder he intercedes on our behalf he’ll tell God our Father Hey look father I died for this person right here my blood is covered under them they are

00:07:09 precious to me so that’s another thing to accept Jesus Christ because he’s interceding for us that those are who are saved and you can’t trust yourself you can’t do it yourself God the Bible says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and that’s referring to our salvation but you can’t go to church church won’t say again your baptism won’t save you good deeds won’t save you we’re all not good persons if we all did a good person test I’m sure we would all fail even if we break one

00:07:44 commandment of the 10 we’re guilty of breaking them all and based on the ten commandments if we were judged by just the Ten Commandments we would be all condemned to hell but Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all by dying course you could look at it this way he paid the tar pit if we could not pay say we were in court and we had a fine of a million dollars if you’re like me I can’t afford a billion dollar fine so the courtroom comes up to the judge and says your honor i would love this person right

00:08:19 here I want to pay their fine he comes up to the judge and gives them the million dollars on the table right there says I want this person to go free because I think they’re dead now when you feel grateful for that person you want to feel a debt into that person you’ll want to do whatever you can for that person Jesus done that it’s specifically for you for me my daughter everybody so remember that Jesus paid our debt for us so that we could live and Bob also tells us anybody who calls upon the name of

00:08:54 Lord shall be saved pretty simple there all we gotta do is call upon you and accept them as our personal Savior there will be a change in you’ll have proof in the pudding they usually say there’s going to be fruit sets comes out of it maintain your story about a man who went around we just not too long ago was the honoring of the Titanic sinking and there was a pastor on there called Reverend John Carver and he was known as the last Titanic hero as that ship was sinking and going down if there they hit

00:09:27 that iceberg he went around on the ship saying believe on the Lord Jesus Christ if you shall be saying he’s going around to everybody believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you shall be saved he went around telling everybody that as a ship sinking while everybody else is screwing trying to hurry get on lifeboats you know find everybody probably trying to get off onto these lifeboats to be so that they could live but he had the greatest gift he gave this life for Christ no greater person didn’t give up their own life for

00:09:56 another John Harper later got into the water and was on driftwood he was floating in that water all of a sudden somebody came up to him he goes up to him says how was your soul that guy goes I don’t know they drifted apart probably about hours later they had visually drifted back together again John Harper goes up to this man says how is your soul the guy goes I don’t know just then John Harper went under he drowned he wasn’t he was not a survivor of the Titanic but thank God he was a survivor for God because he went

00:10:36 up to heaven died from Jesus Christ that other man was able to get rescued and was a survivor from the Titanic he ended up becoming saved just because of John Hart were coming up to them and asking them that so you know it makes you wonder how many other souls were lost or how many souls were saying on em Titanic from there because there’s a lot more than what people think and it’s not like that movie that’s out there either now sadly if you reject Jesus Christ you deny him you don’t accept them as your

00:11:10 personal Savior the sad news is you’ll be cast into the lake of fire for eternity that’s hail there’s going to be not like a teeth like i said earlier next scripture there’s going to be outer darkness which will be so dark we couldn’t imagine how hard he is we’ve never seen dark like that we’ve never experienced heat like that there’s going to be unable to quench your thirst remember the story of the rich man he got to go down into hell and he experienced till I got to see Abraham and lazzara thought the bar he has

00:11:44 Abraham can you please send Lazarus Lazarus was a beggar he goes up just to give me one drop of water on my tongue said one truck he knew he was in torment one thing about our final destinations we know what’s going on around us we know the people around us we know the pain of our rent or not paying inhale you’re an experienced pain tortured and everything Satan will be down there he will not be in control of hell like cool thing he’s going to be in there for punishment as well he’s going to be

00:12:17 bound in there with his statements and everybody else it’s going to be the worst torture anybody can ever have and the devil is a big liar he’s the father of lies you’ll make you think other things it may make you think that you’re doing good when you’re doing bad you may be doing bad and he’s saying you’re doing good we have to back up everything in this God’s Word right here is what’s finally we answer to God not nobody else exactly as I speak there’s people being cast into hell today I don’t want even

00:12:54 if you all would be one of them I want to be able to we go to heaven they already nodded and say hey I know you you are over here at the live care that you all I cannot know who you all caught a lesson over here and or just in your preaching my daughter singing everybody will all be able to see each other rejoice a fellowship in heaven going to have our internal life in hold on one second now if you have a cure for a disease what you want to share that cure with somebody say hey I’m gonna cure for

00:13:29 something well soon as our disease Jesus Christ is that cure he gave us a condition he told us to go out and preach the gospel tell everybody the good news it doesn’t matter where we are who we are we are all commanded it’s a commission to go out and tell the lost and dying world about Jesus your mission field is where you live right in here your fellow citizens here at didn’t live here you know mines in my workplace wherever I go shopping going out to eat everybody I’m coming with my daughter she’s in high school

00:14:07 her vision buildings over at the high school you know if you go to school your workplace is a mission field we’re all called to go out and up everywhere you know thing is with creation you look up here you see we live in East Tennessee one of the most beautiful areas with mountains rivers lakes and sceneries trees there’s no way that anybody could deny that there is a creator so nobody is exempt from this rule not one person is exempt so I ask you today your responsibility is up to yourself to take

00:14:43 and accept Jesus Christ or to deny me I ask that you choose today who you’re going to serve you can’t serve two masters you can’t live in the world and you can’t exert Jesus because you’re going to love one or the other more than the other but I ask you today to choose but for me in my house we will serve the Lord I thank you very much yahwah god bless day and I pray that you accept Jesus now there’s no reason that you don’t want to accept Jesus I pray for you that you will I pray that if you’ve

00:15:16 already accepted Jesus that you remain accepted Jesus but there is a no soul salvation so once you accept them yours you’re saved but just keep your heart pure with him and the repentance toward him home this is my first time teaching so I my thoughts are a little bit too fast errs and comes up happens with us I’m sure especially this your first time your mind was a little bit too fast than that but I pray that you accept Jesus today but a what bottle thought this come from a movie that I’ve seen is called The

00:15:56 Secret Life of Jonathan Sperry we played at one time for the youth that church I think pastor Justin’s church and our church went together and we all watched it at one church there’s a scene in Eric where jonathan sperry is teaching to these kids and they take them to a graveyard is that there no matter what place to go to the graveyard he goes listen to that you hear that the boys are like no I don’t hear that he goes get closer to the tombstone you hear that there’s people in those two stones

00:16:28 right now that are saying why did you not tell me about Jesus so I pray that you go out there tell your friends your family everybody about Jesus I pray that you accepted them if we have an accepted them today is the day of salvation I pray that you accept him today and put it on your heart if not tomorrow is never promised to us and tomorrow may be too late thank you very much and I hope you have a blessed day and accept Jesus Christ amen

First published April 25, 2015. Last updated or republished February 27, 2025.

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8 thoughts on “Your Final Destination

  1. Strong call and sound reasons for nonbelievers to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Keep up the push to lead the unsaved to Christ.

  2. I see this heaven/hell subject and i get so frustrated. A long time ago the word Hades, Sheol and Hell meant “the grave.” Now men changed that, even in their bible revisions, so now. it means a burning place. (??? GOD didn’t change did He?) The lake of fire is the final destination of the wicked, not hell. As for the sanctified, God NEVER said we were going to “Heaven.” Does your bible say that? He said we are going to inherit the earth, the new earth, not heaven. The skies are the heavens and HE is above those, in His Kingdom. The two final destinations are The New Earth or The lake of fire, not heaven or hell. Those who actually read their bibles with Gods guidance, should know that. Why teach a lie based on association instead of the truth based on HIS Word? I believed all the heaven and hell stuff until i started reading HIS WORD with HIM. HE revealed to me what it really says, and i will stand firm.
    Yahweh has revealed in HIS WORD that HIS people will be brought UP into HIS kingdom after the tribulation, and then Gods sends down HIS bowls of Wrath onto the wicked…. Which leads to the battle of Armageddon…. when the evil on earth see Jesus coming down in His Kingdom with His angels, and HIS people…. , And then it is Judgment Day…. as HE rains fire down on the ENTIRE earth (thus, the lake of fire) And when the fire has quenched, the earth is refined, NEW, and HIS people come to the earth. And we inherit it…. The wicked are “the ashes under our feet.” It makes complete sense.
    “Exhort one another, especially as you see the day coming…”

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