Your church needs on social media – Not only does your church need a website, but it needs to be on social media too.

Social Media is big especially with the younger generations. This a great platform that can be used for God to reach people. Not only that, but people use social media out to check out businesses and other people. They even use it to check out what area churches are doing or are about.

Social media can help increase your known presence and help people find you. Yes, we are to be the church and go where the people are and the people are on social media!

You can use social media for a lot of things for your church. It can also be a great way to share what is going on to the members and non-members all in one platform.

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Learn more how social media can help your church in this blog post on how it can help your ministry.

Examples of Social Media

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Google+
  4. Linkin
  5. Tumblr
  6. YouTube
  7. Instagram
  8. SnapChat
  9. Pinterest
  10. and much more!

Social Media Post

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