You Matter to Me Day ™ - a day set aside to tell people you matter to them. #YouMatterToMeDay

You Matter to Me Day ™ – a day set aside to tell people they matter to you. #YouMatterToMeDay

You Matter to Me Day ™ - a day set aside to tell people they matter to you. #YouMatterToMeDay
MetroCreative Image

This day was created in 2010 by Linda Jew because of a friend who had a friend and his son pass away. She realized she never told them they mattered to hear. So she decided to tell people they matter to her. Including starting a day around that phrase.

You Matter to Me Day ™ – a day set aside to tell people they matter to you. #YouMatterToMeDay Share on X

Because everyone matters to someone, and someone matters to you.

She choose October 7 because the New Moon in Libra. She said the New Moon meant new beginnings and Libra dealt with relationships.

In that first year, Bangladesh, France, Kenya, United States, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom participated in the day. Then, it expanded to other countries in the following years.

Actually, we should tell those that matter to us, this phrase every day, not just this one day of the year.

When coming up with a photo, I searched for friend in MetroCreative. I saw this one of a cat and dog and liked it and thought it showed that they mattered to each other.

I think that when we tell someone that, it can be a form of encouragement and edifying someone. It will make them feel appreciated too.

du är viktig för mig


Eres importante para mí

tú ábhar dom

Tu me importas

du bist mir wichtig

tu comptes pour moi


انت مهم بالنسبة لي

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