You can’t produce when you have no juice

You can’t produce when you have no juice. Just like a cell phone needs to be charged we must be charged in the word of God.

You can’t produce when you have no juice

We must be plugged into the source of power. And that power comes from reading God’s Word the Bible. We must plug into it daily just like a cell phone needs to be charged daily. The recharging not only empowers is, but it rejuvenates us. It helps make us refresh and helps us grow closer to God. Not to mention, helps us to seek more of the things of God.

You can't produce when you have no juice

What ever source we plug into the most will show.


Whatever we spend the most time on becomes our Idol. Not to mention it will showing our life what matters the most. What ever is our primary power source will show. What we spend the most time on or in becomes more important to us and often is what we try to recharge ourselves with.

If We Don’t Plug In

If we don’t plug-in to the source we won’t produce anything. Nor will We won’t grow closer to God. Plus, if a cell phone isn’t plugged into a power source, it becomes dead and unable to be used. When we don’t plug into God’s Word we can become unable to be used. We may tend to forget God’s Word. Plus, we don’t show God’s Word is important to us when we don’t plug into it.

Plug Into The Word Of God & Get Empowered!


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