Worshicken – a Rubber chicken that squeaks to Christian Music songs. #Worshicken (The Worship Chicken).
The Worshicken
This Squeaking Chicken is today’s Christian Music Monday feature.

This is a new ministry, just staring this year. So far at the time of this posting, there are only two songs, but more are in the works.
First Cover
His first first cover called “The Blessing”. Original song by his dear friends Elevation Worship, Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes.
His second cover is Way Maker from Leeland.
Remember He is a Way Making Savior!
JUST TO CLARIFY, I do this with all respect and admiration for the people that God has blessed to guide us in worship. BLESSINGS.
The Worshicken
Learn more at:
I am unsure of where this chicken is from. No more information is available at this time, you can check back later, as I may update this post with more.
Facebook: facebook.com/theworshicken/
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCVpCYKPSYgQUFp_tBXJYYBg
Instagram: instagram.com/theworshicken/
What do you think?
Yea or nay? Do you like him or not? Feel free to share in the comments below. What song would you like to hear next from Worshicken?
I think it is actually rather neat, and came out at a great time of people showing off talents etc on videos. I’d like to see or hear more songs that he may do, maybe even see that he gets a tour maybe, when we can open things back up totally.
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