World Parkinson’s Disease Day (WPDD) – This is a health awareness day for Parkinson’s Disease. Learn about this day and when it is in this blog post.
World Parkinson’s Disease Day
World Parkinson’s Disease Day a health awareness day for Parkinson’s Disease. Celebrated annually on April 11 because of Dr. J Parkinson birthday (April 11, 1755). The day is supported by European Parkinson’s Disease Association. The first celebration of WPDD was held April 11, 1997.
World Parkinson’s Disease Day

The disease was first describe in “An Essay on the Shaking Palsy” by Dr. Parkinson where he described the disease. This disease has a pattern of lessened muscular power, involuntary tremulous motion, even if these are supported. Plus, a tendency to bend the body forwards, and to involuntarily switch from a walking to a running pace, while the sense and intellect deteriorate.
Michael J. Fox is a well known actor with Parkinson’s Disease.
It is said that one in 500 people have this disease.
The Red Tulip is the official symbol of the Parkinson’s Community.
April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month.
First published April 10, 2018. Last updated or republished April 10, 2020.
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