Woman Chooses Life After Seeing Man Carrying Cross – I have got to write about a couple of people who have carried a wooded cross around the US in previous post. That is where Acie Burelson did the same thing.
When he encountered Jesus Christ, he learned about taking up your cross and denying yourself as found in Matthew 16:24 and decided to leave his home and start a journey with a cross. Burleson is carrying a cross from South Carolina to the Grand Canyon.

This 34 year old left his home in March 11, 2019. He has been sharing the gospel along the way. He is traveling through backgrounds to his destination.
He believes it will take him three months. He carries a small tent with him to use to sleep in. In some cases, generous churches and people have helped with him lodging.
He has multiple stories of miracles so far, including a woman being saved from suicide.
“There was a woman driving and she was just looking at me, so I waved like ‘Hello’ and kept walking. She then cut me off and is just falling out of her window weeping and crying, just like that, crying, and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh what’s wrong? What happened? Are you alright?’ and she said, ‘I was one block away from killing myself and you stopped me.”
Acie Burelson
On that day, he wasn’t going to walk. He didn’t feel like it. His wife encouraged him to walk and he did.
He has had many others stop and pray with him along the way.
So keep Acie Burelson in your prayers on his journey.
See Mitchel Manning’s Experience
From 2016
See Junior Garcia’s experience.
From 2012
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