Without a vision the people will perish

Without a vision the people will perish. If we don’t have a vision for the lost and see lost folk found, we don’t have a vision. A lack of a vision will cause people to perish.

Without a vision the people will perish

Growing up I went to Alice Bell Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN. Proverbs 29:18 was their mission statement. Where there is no vision, the people perish”

I don’t remember too much, but I remember that mission statement. That’s how important the Church witnessing and reaching out to the lost. If we don’t reach the lost, they will perish, go to hell. If you notice below other translations will use unrestrained or run wild instead of perish. We have to remember they are lost and are wild. They haven’t been found yet. They are also blind and unable to see.  If you don’t know the Word of God you are running wild and are unrestrained that leads to your destruction.

Vision for the lost!


When we have our eyes off the vision we aren’t seeing souls saved! The fields are white to harvest. (John 4:35) That means we must work! The Church must get out of the four walls and reach the people. Don’t think it’s the pastors job to do it. It’s also not the church sign’s job to get the people in. The job belongs to us, the Saved (God’s Children). That is why God gave us a testimony … To share it with others! We are called to go out and not sit and soak!

What is the Vision?

Thank you for asking! This Vision is sharing the gospel to lost. Remember everyone is without excuse. We all will face God one day. (Read about your final destination). The gospel is the Good News of Jesus Christ. There is only one way to Heaven! We cannot stop! We must continue to press on. Prayer works wonders too! Praying for the lost!

In one translation it shows the word as revelation. When we say revelation, we don’t mean sharing something new that people claim God told them. We are talking about sharing the Word of God to them … The Bible!

Attacks of devil

The devil will attack us as he wants to keeps us from outreach or witnessing. If we don’t go out witnessing, the devil gets a victory! Plus, too often the enemy uses the church to destroy it from the inside out. People will get mad over the littlest things. The Color of carpet or walls. Maybe it its too hot or too cold inside the building. The preacher preaches too long or too short. Those are usually the people that is asking the church what it can do for them. Christians should ask God what we can do for the church, instead of what it can do for us.

Those things I mentioned are non-essentials to salvation. Yet, people will split or no longer want to serve in the church and lose their vision over those simple things.

See the Vision! Have a concern for the lost!

If we love Christ, we will love the things He loves! That includes His Church and reaching the lost. Finding that one lost sheep.

Proverbs 29:18

NASB – New American Standard Bible

Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained

AMP – Amplified Bible

Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained

KJV – King James Version

Where there is no vision, the people perish

HCSB – Holman Christian Standard Bible

Without revelation, people run wild

NIV – New International Version

Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint


Your Final Destination


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