Why does the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

Why does the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? – March 17 is a special day for people of Irish heritage and other celebrants across the globe. Each year, millions of people pay homage to St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, with parades, parties and religious services. Celebrations occur even though many celebrants may know little about this legendary saint.

Why does the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

Why does the world celebrate St. Patrick's Day? - March 17 is a special day for people of Irish heritage and other celebrants across the globe. Each year, millions of people pay homage to St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, with parades, parties and religious services. Celebrations occur even though many celebrants may know little about this legendary saint.

Although St. Patrick’s Day has evolved into a festivity filled with clovers, frosty mugs of beer, green clothing, and lively music, the day was once a religious feast day honoring the man many credit with bringing Christianity to Ireland.

St. Patrick was born in Britain circa AD 387. Many are surprised to learn he was not Irish. In fact, St. Patrick first spent time in Ireland when he was captured by Irish pagans as a teen and taken to their country as a slave. After six years working as a shepherd, Patrick became familiar with the customs and spirit of the Irish and “found God.” He was able to eventually escape his imprisonment, vowing to one day return to Ireland as a free man.

Patrick was schooled at monasteries and was ordained a priest and later became a bishop. Under Pope Celestine I, he was commissioned to become an apostle to Ireland and spread the news of God and Christianity.

Why does the world celebrate St. Patrick's Day? – March 17 is a special day for people of Irish heritage and other celebrants across the globe. #StPatricksDay #March17 Share on X

St. Patrick spent many years evangelizing in the northern half of Ireland and converted thousands of people from paganism to Christianity. According to legend, St. Patrick used the three-leaf clover to explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish. Patrick’s efforts to drive out the pagans became an allegory in which he drove “snakes” out of Ireland.

Although green has become the primary color of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations and green remains widely associated with Ireland, during the 18th century, the Order of St. Patrick, an Anglo-Irish chivalric order, adopted blue as it’s official color. That led to blue being associated with St. Patrick. However, “wearing of the green” eventually fell back into favor, and the color green and an association with St. Patrick’s Day grew during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Although St. Patrick’s Day originated as a religious celebration in honor of a man who brought Christianity to Ireland, it has since become a larger representation of Irish pride and culture.

First published March 2, 2021. Last updated or republished March 2, 2024.

St. Patrick’s Day Blog Posts

St. Patrick's Day Blog Posts
  1. All Things Green
  2. All Things Orange
  3. A-Z of St. Patrick’s Day
  4. Celtic Cross
  5. Colors of St. Patrick’s Day
  6. Don’t mistake a shamrock for any old clover
  7. Harp
  8. Irish Flag
  9. Meaning behind popular St. Patrick’s Day symbols
  10. Meaning behind the shamrock
  11. Millions of People Claim Irish ancestry
  12. Origins of the leprechaun myth
  13. Prayer of St. Patrick
  14. Rainbows
  15. St. Patrick’s Day
  16. Top 5 Countries with Irish populations
  17. Unique, mysterious and lesser-known facts about Ireland
  18. Wearing orange instead of Green on St. Patrick’s Day
  19. Who was St. Patrick
  20. Why does the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

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Compliments of Metro Creative. TF163914 – First published February 27, 2019. Last updated or republished March 2, 2021.

About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

2 thoughts on “Why does the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

  1. God reaches all, does not fail in reaching everyone to decide whether or not to truly believe him in Son Christ as risen for them to walk new in and not of this Earth
    Amazing God uses everything to reach everyone so that in that day, there will be not one person without excuse
    For all will have had their crossroad to decide in belief to God Father and Son as Won for them or not, consciously so
    Thanks Brother for this tid bit
    And I am not sure but I think snakes there are still not there,, just as the Pillar of Salt of Lot’s Wife still there too, I think, at least that is what is reported

    1. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20

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