Do you wave your white flag? Do you surrender your all for Him? Do you give your all to Him?
If you haven’t already, click on the play in the above YouTube Video. This is the Song White Flag by Chris Tomlin.
The picture of me with the white flag is from the 2013 Unity Festival. Tree Ministry presented a special presentation of “White Flag” for their first Unity Festival. They had viewers in the audience wave their white flag while they presented a special interpretive dance to this song.
It was an amazing feeling to see those white flags fly.
Waving a white flag in war time was a sign that you surrendered and you no longer want to fight. A Protective sign or a type of truce, ceasefire. It can also show that you are unarmed. WikiPedia
We may not need to visibly fly our white flags, but we can submit all our cares and concerns to God. Let Him have it ALL. I mean ALL. That is total surrender to God. He will see our white flag. It doesn’t matter if others here on Earth see it. Only one that truly can save us is our Heavenly Father.
Another thing, do you raise your white flag low or do you raise it high, as high as you can get?
Remember Jesus is the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Him. John 14:6
The battle rages on
As storm and tempest roar
We cannot win this fight
Inside our rebel hearts
We’re laying down our weapons now
We raise our white flag
We surrender
All to You
All for You
We raise our white flag
The war is over
Love has come
Your love has won
Here on this Holy ground
You made a way for peace
Laying your body down
You took our rightful place
This freedom song is marching on
We lift the cross
Lift it high lift it high
The above lyrics were taken from New Release Tuesday.
Anyone care to share in the comments how you surrendered your all to God? Any other comments or thoughts about white flag.
You may also share a comment what you believe a “white flag” means to you. I would love to hear from you. Comments are always welcome.
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