White Christmas – Sins Are Like Scarlet They Shall Be As White As Snow

White Christmas – I’m not talking about the white powdery snowy Christmas, but the one that only comes from the cleansing of blood of Jesus Christ.

White Christmas – Sins Are Like Scarlet They Shall Be As White As Snow

I am not too big on snow at all. It is way too cold for me. I even lived in Gaylord, MI for about two years. Those two years, it was white from November to May each year. I couldn’t take it and moved back to Tennessee.

I am not a big fan of the snow. I want to take a change and talk about another kind of snow. This is where the blood of Jesus will clean as white as snow. White snow is very white, pure like. That is what it means to be white as snow, meaning we become pure by the blood of Jesus. When God looks down at us, He no longer sees our sin, but the covered blood of Jesus Christ. That precious flow of His blood gave us His righteousness. He became sin on the Cross so we wouldn’t have to suffer. He paid the debt. Because he paid the debt, we are His! Now that is redemption.

White Christmas - Isaiah 1:18 “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool."

Isaiah 1:18


“Though your sins are like scarlet,
They shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool.”

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I hope you are not only dreaming of a White Christmas but a White Eternity. Again, I don’t mean that froze precipitation that comes down as snow. But the eternity with Jesus in Heaven from His precious blood that redeemed us, bought us and saved us to live with Him in Glory for eternity.

Be sure to check out All Things White and All Things Red.

First published December 20, 2016. Last republished or updated December 8, 2018.

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