What’s God Really Like by Craig Greoschel

What’s God Really Like by Craig Greoschel – In the world of theology and spirituality, the question of what God is really like has been a central point of contemplation for centuries. It’s a question that has fueled philosophical debates, inspired countless works of art, and led to the formation of various religious beliefs. Craig Groeschel, in his compilation book “What is God Really Like?” brings together seventeen passionate church leaders to explore this profound question. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the essence of this book, taking a closer look at some of its prominent chapters and the perspectives they offer on the nature of God.

What’s God Really Like by Craig Greoschel

What’s God Really Like by Craig Greoschel - In the world of theology and spirituality, the question of what God is really like has been a central point of contemplation for centuries. It's a question that has fueled philosophical debates, inspired countless works of art, and led to the formation of various religious beliefs. Craig Groeschel, in his compilation book "What is God Really Like?" brings together seventeen passionate church leaders to explore this profound question. In this blog post, we'll delve into the essence of this book, taking a closer look at some of its prominent chapters and the perspectives they offer on the nature of God.

A Multifaceted Exploration

“What is God Really Like?” is a compilation that draws from the wisdom of seventeen diverse church leaders, each sharing their unique perspective on the nature of God. This approach offers readers a multifaceted exploration of the divine, with each chapter shedding light on different facets of God’s character.

Prominent Chapters

  1. God is Strong (Francis Chan): Francis Chan opens the discussion by emphasizing God’s strength. He reminds us that God’s power is unparalleled and that we can find refuge in His might. (Chapter 1)
  2. God is Incomparable (Mark Batterson): Mark Batterson explores the incomparable nature of God, highlighting that there is no one like Him. He encourages readers to embrace the awe-inspiring uniqueness of the divine. (Chapter 3)
  3. God is Merciful (Stovall Weems): Stovall Weems focuses on God’s mercy, underscoring the loving and forgiving nature of the divine. This chapter reminds us of the boundless grace available to us. (Chapter 11)
  4. God is Not Like Me (Toby Slough): Toby Slough provides a thought-provoking perspective, challenging the notion that God is like us. He encourages us to let go of our preconceived notions and embrace the mystery of God. (Chapter 15)
  5. God is Father (Craig Groeschel): Craig Groeschel, the author of the book, concludes the compilation by delving into the concept of God as a father figure. He explores the loving and caring nature of God as our Heavenly Father. (Chapter 17) This was the best chapter in my opinion.

All the Chapters

  1. God is strong / Francis Chan
  2. God is here / Dino Rizzo
  3. God is incomparable / Mark Batterson
  4. God is reconciler / Clark Mitchell
  5. God is certain / Andy Stanley (This chapter is not included in the audiobook)
  6. God is encouraging / Rick Bezet
  7. God is for you / John Burke
  8. God is present / Perry Noble
  9. God is able / Jentezen Franklin
  10. God is in control / Greg Surratt
  11. God is merciful / Stovall Weems
  12. God is close / Wayne Cordiero
  13. God is not / Steven Furtick
  14. God is big / Gary Shiohama
  15. God is not like me / Toby Slough
  16. God is more / Chris Hodges
  17. God is father / Craig Groschel

Diverse Voices, Common Themes

One of the remarkable aspects of this compilation is the diverse range of voices and perspectives it brings together. From strength to mercy, incomparability to fatherhood, each chapter offers a unique lens through which readers can view God. However, amidst this diversity, some common themes emerge:

  1. God’s Love: Across various chapters, the theme of God’s love and compassion shines through. Whether emphasizing His mercy or His role as a loving Father, the authors consistently portray a God who deeply cares for His creation.
  2. God’s Uniqueness: The book underscores the idea that God is unlike anything or anyone else. He is beyond human comprehension, and His attributes are beyond compare.
  3. God’s Presence: Several chapters emphasize God’s immanence – His closeness and active presence in our lives. This serves as a comforting reminder that we are never alone on our spiritual journey.


In “What is God Really Like?” Craig Groeschel and a group of passionate church leaders invite readers on a thought-provoking journey to explore the multifaceted nature of God. By offering diverse perspectives on God’s strength, incomparability, mercy, and fatherhood, this compilation challenges us to expand our understanding of the divine. Ultimately, the book reminds us that while we may never fully comprehend God’s nature, we can continually deepen our relationship with Him through faith and exploration.

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About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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