What I Miss About the Physical Gathering of the Local Church – I share with you things I miss about physically going to church.
What I Miss About the Physical Gathering of the Local Church
I share a list of what I miss about going to church physically. Due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus, gatherings were stopped and social distancing was started.

- Being able to shake someone’s hand.
- Getting to physically see and talk to people in person, the fellowship
- Worship Online is not the same as Worship In Person.
- Singing together in worship.
- Sitting together as we hear the Word of God preached.
- Getting a cup of hot cocoa before service.
I am sure there are more. Those were just a few that I shared as I was typing up this blog post.
Thanks Mr. Pakingan, your blog post, gave me an idea to do one too! Be sure you go check out his blog post and what he misses about the physical gathering as well. Feel free to comment on my blog post and his blog post!
What do you miss about physically assembly?
Feel free to share what you feel that you miss about physically meeting for worship? Your comments are welcome!
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