Weight Loss Is Mentioned in the Bible

Weight Loss Is Mentioned in the Bible – We must shed some weight before we run the race.

Weight Loss Is Mentioned in the Bible

I am not talking about body weight, but spiritual weight. These weights and chains that weighs us down and entangles us in sin. Sin separates us from God.  We must go through a Weight Loss process to lose this spiritual weight that is weighting us down. We find this in Hebrews 12. This shedding of weight helps us run the race that is before us.

Weight Loss Is Mentioned in the Bible

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1 KJV

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Just like in real life, when we lose body weight, it can help benefit us in so many ways. One for our health. Plus, it can help us to move faster. Just think they more weight we carry the slower we will go. The less weight we have the faster we can go. The same applies with us when we do the Work of God. When we carry a heavy load of sins, it will weigh us down. We won’t be able to properly do the work of God with all that weight. Actually that weight hinders us.

Weight is ὄγκος  (ogkos), in Greek.

Weight is ὄγκος  (ogkos), in Greek. (Strong’s G3591). According to Blue Letter Bible the Lexicon means a mass (as bending or bulging by its load), heavy, i.e. burden (hindrance):—weight. The usage of this work ogkos is only used one time in the Bible. We know that Paul liked to use sporting type analogies in his epistles (letters). Running the Race and Fighting the Good Fight. (Subscribe as I will discuss these in upcoming blog post).

I also want to state the only way to this weight loss is from Jesus Christ. We must Admit and Confess our sins. With the confession of our sins, we must repent or turn away from the sins that entangles us. We all have a sin that we are driven to. As Christians we should strive to sin less. We should also know when we sinned against God and seek forgiveness right away. The Holy Spirit helps to convict us. Jesus Christ is the only one that can make us a new creation. He gives us new desires. He also gives us strength.

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When we seek out forgiveness from Christ we shed weight. We know how that feels when we forgive someone or even confess something we did, almost seems like a weight was lifted off our shoulders. That is what happens when we confess and repent to Christ. We shed that weight. Give it to Christ because He cares for you. His yoke is easy. He will help carry the load too.

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