New Creation: The caterpillar thought the world was over … Then came the butterfly

New Creation: The caterpillar thought the world was over ... Then came the butterfly

New Creation: New Creation: The caterpillar thought the world was over … Then came the butterfly – Just want to caterpillar thought the world was over, until it became a butterfly. This is a great illustration on how Jesus Christ makes us a new creation.

New Creation: The caterpillar thought the world was over … Then came the butterfly

This might be a great illustration how Jesus can totally change us. This change only comes from Jesus and Jesus alone. He makes us a new creation. Just like the caterpillar becomes the butterfly. This transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly is called a chrysalis. In a chrysalis the butterfly enters the pupa of cocoon. Then goes through a radical transformation called metamorphosis.

New Creation: The caterpillar thought the world was over ... Then came the butterfly


Before Christ we are like the caterpillar. After Christ we are like the butterfly.

[tweetshare tweet=”Before Christ we are like the caterpillar. After Christ we are like the butterfly. ” quote=”Before Christ we are like the caterpillar. After Christ we are like the butterfly. “]

Like the caterpillar it goes through a dramatic change to be a butterfly. Just same when you accept Christ as your personal Savior and have a relationship with Him you become a beautiful new creation. You become covered by the precious blood of Christ. God will no longer see our sins but the precious blood of His Son. The caterpillar represents our sinful ways, the butterfly represents our new life with Christ, the new creation.

God will give us new desires! A new Heart! Everything will be changed. People will notice the change too! The change Christ does in us is called Regeneration. We become born again.

I figured I would combine two blog post Beautiful Butterfly (2014) and We change like the butterfly (2013) into this one blog post. Below are taken from those two blog post.

We Change Like the Butterfly


I like the quote on the attached image to this blog post. The author is unknown.

If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.

[tweetshare tweet=”If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.” quote=”If nothing ever changed, there’d be no butterflies.”]

Same can apply to us if there was no Christ there would be no change in us, plus we wouldn’t been saved from our sins.This can work if Christ never died for us then we haven’t been saved. The other way to look at it is, if there is no change in you there there is no Christ. We should show evidence we are saved, our fruit will show. The old saying is the Proofs in the Pudding.

New Creation: If Nothing Ever changed there'd be no butterflies - unknown - (Butterfly)

Above Image: Unknown

Beautiful Butterfly

Beautiful Butterfly graphic, I saw this image on Facebook and I had to share it.

It says …

Perhaps the BUTTERFLY is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness, yet become something BEAUTIFUL.

New Creation: Beautiful butterfly - Perhaps the BUTTERFLY is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness, yet become something BEAUTIFUL. (Heartmath)

[tweetshare tweet=”Perhaps the BUTTERFLY is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness, yet become something BEAUTIFUL.” quote=”Perhaps the BUTTERFLY is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness, yet become something BEAUTIFUL.”]

Think of it this way, before Christ we are like the caterpillar, then after we accept Christ we become the beautiful butterfly, because with Christ we are a new creation, just like the transformation of the caterpillar to butterfly. See 2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

The Dark times can represent sin or the change we go through. It shows that despite all that, Christ forgives us and accepts us and helps to transform us to the beautiful butterfly.

I hope you have accepted Christ and have become the beautiful new creation, He has intended you to be.

Above Image: Heart Math


That darkness you are going through is Jesus just working on us to make us a new creation. That working is a constant working. The Holy Spirit empowers us to know the way we should go and tell us when we done wrong. I am thankful that Jesus changed me from the caterpillar to the butterfly. He can do the same to you too!

Did you know? Butterflies and bees are some of the best pollinators out there? We as Christians need to help share the gospel to others!

When people see you do they see you as the caterpillar or the butterfly?

I hope people see you as the butterfly, meaning they can see Christ in you.

Another example of a New Creation is Scrooge! Read about that!

Scrooge, An Example of a New Creation


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