We all need the same medicine to cure sin. It is the same medicine for EVERYONE! We just need to apply it!
We all need the same medicine

The Great Physician is Jesus Christ and because He cares and loves us, He offers us the same medicine to cure sin, Himself! That is the only cure to sin!
The cure to sin is not found in pills, drinks, items, etc. It is found in a person … Jesus Christ! It’s the same for everyone! It’s not you take this, and this person takes that. It is the SAME remedy.
Let’s look at it like this …
If you knew how to cure cancer or any other illnesses, wouldn’t you want to share it to others that you love and heal them? Of course you would! Jesus offers the same thing to us.
The only one that can bring ultimate healing is Jesus Christ! It may not be here on Earth, but we will in our new glorified Bodies in heaven.
I got this idea from a song I heard on the radio, Image of God song by We Are Messengers. In that song they stated, “We all need the same medicine.”
But, I had already wrote something similar, In June of 2016, so I figured I would combine the two into one and re-purpose this blog post.
Sin is like a form of caner, it eats us alive from the inside out. If someone had the cure for something wouldn’t you want them to share it?
Jesus said only one way to Heaven and that is through Him. He is our Great Physician. He has the cure for sin. He is actually the cure for everything! Only Jesus can fill that void in us that we hunger for … Drugs, Sex, Alcohol, People and more cannot fill that void. Oh we may think it does, but that stuff last temporary. Jesus is the answer for everything. Nothing else can feel the void either. The void that Jesus fills last eternal!
Jesus sustains us eternally!

If you knew someone had the cure for cancer wouldn’t you want it? Sin is like a form of cancer, spiritual cancer that eats us alive and send us to hell. God doesn’t send anyone to hell, we send our own selves to hell.
I don’t want to see that and because I know what the cure is, I am sharing with you the only cure for sin that will save us from the wrath of God … That is His Son, Jesus Christ.
He is the Way
John 14:6 Jesus tells us He is the Way, The Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but through Him.
He is the Living Water
Jesus is also refereed to as the Living Water. Once we have the living water we will never thirst. See John 4:1-42, where Jesus saw the Samaritan woman at the well.
He is the Bread of Life
Jesus also refereed to as the Bread of Life. He that eats of this bread will never go hungry again. Read John 6:1-40, here Jesus fed the multitude.
He Provides!
God always provides, like he did with the daily manna during the Exodus. He will see our needs are met, not our wants, but our needs.
Just like any cure, you have to take or put on the cure for it to work.
We must put on the Lord Jesus Christ …
We must put Him on daily! It is a continued application. Not when we want to. Part of that is denying our self and taking up our Cross to follow Him.
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