Warning signs of suicideThe AFSP notes that people who take their own lives may speak about doing so prior to committing suicide. People should seek help if they or a loved one talks about feeling hopeless, having no reason to live or being a burden to others. People who speak of feeling trapped or feeling unbearable pain also may be exhibiting warning signs of suicide. #BeThe1To

 Warning signs of suicide

Warning signs of suicide - The AFSP notes that people who take their own lives may speak about doing so prior to committing suicide. People should seek help if they or a loved one talks about feeling hopeless, having no reason to live or being a burden to others. People who speak of feeling trapped or feeling unbearable pain also may be exhibiting warning signs of suicide. #BeThe1To

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is in September of each year. Suicide Prevention Week is the Monday through Sunday surrounding World Suicide Prevention Day (held September 10). In 2020, it will be held on September 8-14, 2024.

The deaths of Spade and Bourdain prompted many to inquire about suicide, its causes and if there are any signs that might help them identify if a loved one is having suicidal thoughts. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), no single thing causes suicide. The AFSP notes that suicide is most often a byproduct of the convergence of stressors and health issues that, when coupled, create a sense of hopelessness and despair.

Depression and anxiety are two conditions most commonly associated with suicide. But the AFSP notes that most people who have been diagnosed with these conditions and actively manage them go on to engage in life. Undiagnosed depression and anxiety, as well as undiagnosed or unaddressed substance abuse, increase a person’s risk for suicide. That’s why it’s so important for men, women and young people to learn to recognize warning signs for suicide and put themselves in a position to promptly address their own issues or those of a loved one.


The AFSP notes that people who take their own lives may speak about doing so prior to committing suicide. People should seek help if they or a loved one talks about feeling hopeless, having no reason to live or being a burden to others. People who speak of feeling trapped or feeling unbearable pain also may be exhibiting warning signs of suicide.

If a person talks about:

  • Killing themselves
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Having no reason to live
  • Being a burden to others
  • Feeling trapped
  • Unbearable pain


Behavior, especially behavior that can be linked to a painful event, loss or change, is another potential indicator that a person is having suicidal thoughts. Such behaviors include:

  • Increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • Looking for a way to end their lives, such as searching online for methods
  • Withdrawing from activities
  • Isolating from family and friends
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Visiting or calling people to say goodbye
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • Aggression
  • Fatigue


Mood also is a potential indicator that a person might be having suicidal thoughts. In addition to depression and anxiety, people who are considering taking their own lives may exhibit a loss of interest in things they once enjoyed. Irritability, humiliation, agitation/anger, and relief/sudden improvement are other moods the AFSP notes may be warning signs for suicide.

People who are considering suicide often display one or more of the following moods:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of interest
  • Irritability
  • Humiliation/Shame
  • Agitation/Anger
  • Relief/Sudden Improvement

Health Factors

  • Mental health conditions
    • Depression
    • Substance use problems
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Schizophrenia
    • Personality traits of aggression, mood changes and poor relationships
    • Conduct disorder
    • Anxiety disorders
  • Serious physical health conditions including pain
  • Traumatic brain injury

Environmental Factors

  • Access to lethal means including firearms and drugs
  • Prolonged stress, such as harassment, bullying, relationship problems or unemployment
  • Stressful life events, like rejection, divorce, financial crisis, other life transitions or loss
  • Exposure to another person’s suicide, or to graphic or sensationalized accounts of suicide

Historical Factors

  • Previous suicide attempts
  • Family history of suicide
  • Childhood abuse, neglect or trauma

Reach out

The deaths of two highly regarded celebrities brought suicide to the forefront in 2018. Taking the time to understand suicide and its warning signs can help people prevent tragedies. More information is available at www.afsp.org. People who are in crisis or suspect a loved one may be in crisis are urged to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741.

Suicide, Anxiety and Mental Health Posts

This is a list of blog posts on Courageous Christian Father relating to suicide, anxiety and mental health since they all can relate.

  1. 5 Acronyms for Fear
  2. 125+ Christian Songs about Fear
  3. 988 Dialing Code for National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
  4. Alliance Fights to End Veteran Suicide
  5. Anti-Bullying Day
  6. Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado
  7. Combat veterans and the threat posed by PTSD
  8. Death Happens
  9. Exit: The Appeal of Suicide
  10. Finding Comfort and Support in the Face of Tragedy
  11. Got Stress? Bringing your cat to work can help
  12. Health benefits of singin
  13. How to identify and stop cyberbullying
  14. International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
  15. May is Mental Health Awareness Month
  16. Movember aims to address men’s health issues
  17. National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day
  18. National Depression Screening Day
  19. National Grief Awareness Day
  20. National Stop Bullying Day
  21. National Stress Awareness Day
  22. Noise of Anxiety quote
  23. Suicide & Christianity
  24. Suicide Hotline into Corn Maze
  25. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
  26. This is the Last Night …
  27. Time doesn’t heal … Jesus heals!
  28. TN Hope Line
  29. Warning signs of suicide
  30. Winning the War in Your Mind
  31. Woman Chooses Life After Seeing Man Carrying Cross
  32. World Mental Health Day
  33. World Suicide Prevention Day
  34. Your Fear is Afraid of Jesus

If you are in crisis, please call the

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

or contact the Crisis Text Line

Or texting 988

More info

Article compliments of Metro Creative, info from AFSP and Suicide Prevention Life Line Websites. TF189295 – First published August 31, 2018. Last updated or republished August 24, 2024.

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