War Room / Prayer Wall – A simple place to put all your prayer request in one spot. You sit at that spot and see them on your wall. Plus, you pray for each and everyone of them listed. It is an ongoing list. As the list can change almost daily.
War Room / Prayer Wall / Prayer Room / Prayer Journal
I watched the movie, War Room, click to see the trailer and my review, a few months ago or so and it made me think about the way I prayed. This movie was very inspiring too. Maybe even convicting. So I began typing up prayer request and printed them out and put them up and began my very own War Room. In this movie they showed turning a closet into a war room or known as a prayer room. But what if you don’t have a type of closet to make a War Room? What else can you do? Find out what I did or you can do. We need to raise up Prayer Warriors and seek God in prayer.

In our prayer room, war room, etc. we are told in the Bible to go to our inner room as Matthew 6:6 says.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Fighting in Prayer
In this prayer room you do your fighting in prayer. Let God do only what He Can do and get out of the way. Prayer is a very powerful weapon we have. Remember we are in a spiritual warfare. As Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.“ You take all your prayer request to God here. You put them up on the wall or walls in your closet. Plus, you empty everything but the prayer stuff. We were also told to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), a constant communication with God. That is why we have a personal relationship with Him because we can go directly to Him.
You can also include Bible verses and post them on your wall too. You can Bible verses on prayer if you want, your favorite Bible verse or verses and/or your life verse or verses or a mix of them all.
Do Not Rush!
When we pray we are not to rush it either. We are to take our time and listen for Him.
Here are a few examples of prayer verses in the Bible.
Of course there are many more verses on prayer but these are a few below.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:17
- Psalm 55:17
- 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Psalm 145:18
No Closet?
If you are like me and don’t really have a closet that can be turned into a war room or prayer room, you can do what I did. I made a prayer wall. It’s on the same premise but it uses a corner in my room. You could use a section of one of the rooms in your home to make a prayer wall and make that as your war room area. Then, as you can update the sheets as needed.
Type Up Request
I type up my prayer request on paper and leave room to add more as they come up where I can hand write them. Plus, I have a pen with my prayer wall. Then, I also add ones like where our church handed us a prayer need list for our church. I also add our church bulletin section where we have a list of prayer request.
Use Spiral Notebook
If you cannot put anything up on your walls you could also use a spiral notebook or a three ring binder and make a Prayer Journal and keep your prayer items in it and pull it out when you do your praying.
Power in Prayers
Praying can be powerful. We should pray and seek God as our first response not our last resort. We are told to pray without ceasing. This is a constant state of communication with God. This is why we have a personal relationship with God. We can talk to Him anytime and anywhere.
Pray on the Spot!
Also when someone ask you to pray for them, don’t say you will and walk off. Stop what you are doing and pray for them right there on the spot. What a way to make a powerful statement about prayer. It also shows you do have a concern. More than likely if you don’t you will say I will and later forget about it. You can also keep a tony notebook to put their concern down and you add it to your war room, prayer wall, prayer wall or prayer journal.
What else can I put up on my Prayer Wall or War Room?
- You can even put up the acronym for PUSH.
- I also have a note to remind me to put my phone either off or on Air Plane Mode so it won’t distract me when I am doing my prayer time.
- Bible verses
- Quotes
War Room Movie
I am also excited that War Room the movie will be out on DVD December 22, 2015 just in time for Christmas. I would love to have this as a Christmas gift! (Click to see the trailer to War Room) I also believe this would make a great Christmas gift or just because gift for anyone. (No I am not getting any kick backs from this, just I really enjoyed this movie and I believe it is an inspirational movie on prayer.)
As Clara said in the movie War Room …
You are good and You are mighty and You are merciful
Praise you Jesus
Guide me to who you want me to help
Raise up more that will call upon Your name
Raise up those that love you and seek you and trust you
Lord we need an army of believers that will stand on your word above all else
Raise up warriors Lord, who will fight on their knees
Who will worship you with their whole hearts Lord
Lord call us to battle
That we may proclaim you King of kings and Lord of lords
I pray these things with all my heart
I hope we can raise up more prayer warriors as well.
What are verses you have up in your War Room / Prayer Room / Prayer Wall / Prayer Journal?
How about tips you have? Anything else you wish to share?
Please feel free to leave your comments below.
Download A FREE War Room Prayer Sheet Printable! (Letter and Happy Planner Size)
#WarRoom #PrayerRoom #PrayerWall #PrayerJournal (Updated January 5, 2019)
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Please pray God’s hand swiftly intercedes in my relationship with Casey that our turmoil immediately turn to an indestructible foundation of unconditional love, trust, hope, forgiveness and truth bringing us closer than ever. Pray God give Casey peace of mind and a steady spirit as he takes the necessary steps to salvage our love and relationship. Pray we cling to one another through this storm with gentle love, patience and understanding victoriously emerging stronger and closer, building our unshakable foundation and future together with God’s help.