Waiting to get my life right before I go to church? As I was waking up on August 29, 2019, I heard a broadcast from Kyle Idleman at Southeast Christian Church on Way-FM.

If we all were waiting to get our lives right, nobody would be here right now.
Kyle Idleman at Southeast Christian Church
It may have been reworded, I heard it as I was waking up. If you evangelize or even invite people to church, I am sure you have heard that or something similar to it.
Sadly, that is why many people are not at church, they think they need to clean themselves up before they go. But, in reality, the church is exactly where they need to be!
This reminds me of another saying …
You have plenty of time to get right.
Lie of the Devil
We have to understand, we don’t clean ourselves up, Jesus cleans us up. He washes us whiter than snow. It is all His doing. We are totally deprived. We cannot do it on our own!
Jesus is the one that paid the debt for us. We must accept Him and His Finished Work. He is the one that cleans us. He makes us a new creation. Gives us new desires, etc. (Born Again!)
So stop using that as an excuse for not going to church. GO! Let Him change you.
I like the Pexel image for this blog post, the arrow showing One Way. That’s it! There is only ONE WAY to Heaven! ONE WAY to change! That is Jesus Christ!
Just remember we cannot change ourselves! Only Jesus Changes us!
Listen to Kyles Idlemans sermon, The Gift of Desperation: Nowhere Else to Turn, dated June 5, 2016.
The video won’t let me embed it here, so go to the link above to watch. Plus, see the rest of sermons in his series. Or listen to the mp3 below.
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