Using Gospel tracts as a witnessing tool – Do you use any kind of witnessing tract to witness to people?
Using Gospel tracts as a witnessing tool

I have used the Are You A Good Person? tract from the Way of the Master. I even printed mine off in color, they stand out better than in Black and White. I also got to where I just lay them in random places where someone will see them.
But the ones I use the most come from the Bezeugen Tract Club, as they send you 30 Gospel Tracts free each month.
I even tried using different color paper and types (as you can see in the picture on this post). So far I see that card stock works the best. Since I am a graphic designer, I took the file that you can download from Way of the Master and allowed more room for the folding so that way if it prints off, still can be folded better.
Do you use any gospel tracts? What gospel tracts to you use and why?
I have several tracts that I have been given before. I do like this tract of all the ones I have been given so far.
Don’t have any gospel tracts to give out? Don’t worry there are places that will send them to you for free.
Click here to get free gospel tracts
Giving a tract to someone regardless if you get to talk to them or not, puts the Gospel at least in their hands. So you are planting a seed. Carrying a tract shows we care for the salvation of others. We are Christians should be concerned for the salvation of the lost. God wants to see all people go to Heaven, so should we.
Ideas to place your tracts
- When you pay your bill, place that in with your bill
- Leave them at the register where you pay for merchandise, food, etc.
- Leave them with your tip (not in place of a tip!)
- If you go to the hotel, leave them in the Bible.
- If you rent or borrow a book, place one inside the book. (return it to the library)
- Magazines at waiting rooms such as doctors, dentist, etc.
- ATM Machines
- Pay at the Pumps for Gas
- When you go for your bank transaction at drive-thru
- Anyone you pass in on your journey, hand it to them and say have you got this yet and hand it to them. (includes strangers!)
- When ever your write someone a letter, place it in the mail with the letter.
- When you mail a package place it inside the box with the package.
- Near condiments at restaurants
- At airports in empty seats
- Maybe on car wiper/windows as you walk buy them.
- Pay Phones (if you find any)
- Seats of public transportation
- Movie Theater cup holders
- Rest stops
- Sitting areas of shopping malls
- City park benches
- Sealed bottles in the ocean
- Stadium/arena seating
- Laundry mats
- Zip Code books at post office
- Business card tact boards
- Bulletin Boards
- Video Rental
- Waiting areas
- Seating areas
- Bus Stops
- Train Stops
- Sporting Events
- Concerts, Circuses etc.
- Walking around town
- Walking around College area
- Walking around in shopping centers
- Know that junk mail you get with the postage paid envelopes? Put a tract in it and mail it back to them.
- Put one on top of or inside the next newspaper in the coin newspaper machines.
- Just walk around town or a college, etc. Hand them to people you pass.
- Trick or Treats
- Trunk or Treats
- Church Outreach
- Church Visitation
- Stocking Stuffer
- Add them to your gift you give
- Person at the drive thru
- Person at the cash register
- Gift Card rack at the store, they fit just right in one, the business card size gospel tract.
- I put them in the credit card slot at ATM’s, Gas Pumps, Sonic Restaurants, etc.
- When using theme based tracts, you can place them with that item at the store (Example: Legend of the Candy Cane with candy canes, Thanksgiving with decoration, Halloween themed with the decoration or the candy isle).
- Gospel Balloon Release
- Blessing Bags
- Serendipity Tracting
- If window of car open at a car show out a tract in seat.
- Possibilities are endless, where do you leave them?
Thanks to @CraigKerwood (Twitter) for more tips of places to leave tracts. He also keeps tape with him, has he tapes his tracts to the ATM machine. Very cleaver. I never thought of keeping tape with me.
- Where do you like to go to hand them out?
- What tracts do you use?
- Anything you want to share about tracts?
Please feel free to share your comments below.
Not only can you get those free ones above sent to you in the mail, there are a number of sites that will let you download and print on your own printer tracts to hand out.
I will continue to add ideas to this post. So be sure to come back often to see if there are more ideas. If you have an idea, then please feel free to share it in the comments. Thanks. This post was originally posted October 25, 2012. Last updated or republished January 13, 2019..
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Dwayne Demontigny As a young Christian, I felt obligated to hand out tracks. I remember one day, while handing out tracks – I was very close to the Lord and He was telling me where to walk to. I finally ended up at a mall that wasn't even open yet. Nothing made sense, but I was obedient to the Spirits leading. I waited outside and prayed. Finally a middle aged man walked out and I handed him the track, I was nervous, but I did it anyway. The man stopped cold with a look of astonishment and said, "who told you to do this?" I simply said "God told me to give this to you." He said, "you know what you just did?, I've been struggling with doubts, and asking God to show me He's real! You have just blessed me thank you!" After, I watched him walk away and saw him go into his car and pray. I asked the Lord what now? And, I felt in my spirit – "Your done"
Hey thanks Dwayne I appreciate that. It is very moving. God does have a purpose for us and a reason he places in the spots he does. Truly and amazing encounter on how that person felt he needed a sign and he was given that sign. God has great things in stored for you and all of his Children. We are called to be witnesses. It is moving when you see the power of God move like that. Again thank you for sharing.
I got to sit in on with the youth today at church. Jerry was the youth leader. After church we talked with some of the youth about any jobs they have, one of them is a waitress and she was talking about how some people don’t leave tips. He said his daughter is a waitress and the people will leave the money tract, put it like they left you money, but it is a witnessing tract.
I want to say this will hurt your testimony more than anything. I wouldn’t use the money tracts. I definitely wouldn’t leave it in leu of a tip. Those employees make around $2 an hour plus those tips.
Think before you place the tract. Is placing this type of tract going to hurt my testimony? Is placing this tract in this location going to hurt my testimony.
Check out this post on sites where you can get free Gospel Tracts sent to you via smail mail and they are mailed to you for free too:
I love your ideas about the gospel tracts and where to leave them. These are great ideas and thinking out of the box. I lead a Bible study for adults with disabilities and I have them help do a service project. We fill up a gallon zip lock bag with food (non-perishable) and a bottle of water. Then we all sign a card and I place a gospel tract inside each card before sealing it. I keep these in my car so that when I see a homeless person, I can hand the bag to them from my car window at a light, etc.
That is a great thing to do, reminds me of blessing bags,
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