Understanding your risk for sleep apnea

Steve wearing the ResMed AirFit F10. OSA


After being tested for sleep apnea, which usually involves some sort of sleep test, whether at home or a nocturnal polysonmography that measures heart, lung and brain activity is conducted at a sleep center, a doctor may refer patients to an ear, nose and throat doctor if there is a physical obstruction causing the apnea. Recommendations may include losing weight, quitting smoking and other lifestyle changes if these are thought to be the primary causes behind the apnea.

Therapies for obstructive sleep apnea can include continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, which uses a machine to deliver continuous air pressure into the nose and mouth to keep air passages open. There are other air pressure devices as well. Surgery, including implants or creating a new air passageway via a tracheostomy, may be necessary in severe cases that don’t respond to other treatments.

If you believe you are a loved one has sleep apnea, make sure they talk to their doctor about their systems and see if a sleep study can be done because it is not a condition to take lightly. It affects millions of people and requires action to prevent other maladies resulting from lack of oxygen to the body.

This is one reason why I had the Septoplasty (open my nasal passages) and tonsillectomy & adnoidectomy (to open my throat area) as to open up my breathing ability, as my ENT believes these are causing the obstruction and me to stop breathing in my sleep. 

About SA | Symptoms of SA | Risk Factors | Treatments

Article compliments of Metro Creative. HM131791

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2 thoughts on “Understanding your risk for sleep apnea

  1. It’s crazy how often sleep apnea goes untreated. I suppose many people don’t realize its seriousness (you can actualy dies!). I agree with you that it’s a important to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

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