Uncommon (Movie Review & Trailer)

Above is the trailer to the movie, Uncommon, by jcfilms.  This movie is a must watch as school just recently started back for most places. The Dove Foundation gave this movie 5 Doves. That is a great and high score!

About movie


The movie stars Ben Davies (You know him from Courageous and other Christian films). Plus Erik Estrada (Know Him from CHIPS & Virtuous). Plus Jason Crabb and Courtney Buck.

Uncommon is a film that will inspire you to live a life that is out of the ordinary!  The setting of Uncommon is in a public school where students face unexpected changes to their faith and freedom. The movie will educate students, teachers, and parents about the fact that students do NOT lose their free speech and freedom of religion when they enter the schoolhouse!1

The subject matter relating to this film is timely, desirable and portrayed appropriately and suitably for teens and pre-teen age children.

Plus, Uncommon will provide parent and youth video study curricula with powerful resources to help educate schools, families and communities on the subject of school prayer and religious liberties.

The film used a total of 334 volunteers and was shot over a period of 30 days, and five months of post-production.


When the students of Rosewood High School lose their theater, music and dance departments due to budgets cuts, they create their own.  Struggling to find the right script, music & choreography the students get advice from an uncommon source; the Bible! Each student becomes uniquely influenced as they discover that God takes them personally.

Equipped with unique talents, they bond together to prepare the perfect production by exploring the diversity of parables taught in the Bible.  Fighting overwhelming challenges, the teens fight against political correctness to defend their privilege to worship, meet and perform.  Will months of constant bullying by the establishment defeat the production and dismantle their faith?

Armed with expert legal counsel and unexpected help from Christian music’s finest, these teens realize what it means to be…UNCOMMON!1

My review of the movie

Uncommon DVD cover
Uncommon DVD cover

I share some things that stood out to me and my review.

1962 Took out School prayer according to the opening commentary. Plus, the changes in schools from then and now. Because they took out God doesn’t mean He has left. He is just waiting …

The movie does open with a school shooting. So there is some violence in the movie. Just wanted to give you warning on that.

God fixes everything in ways we don’t understand.

Watch as a student tries to unfold to have a Bible Study and a non-believing Civics teacher tries to bring it down. See how this story unfolds.

I will admit that I have had tears while watching this video.

Obey God that is all God expects out of you. No matter what.

If you are only living for yourselves you will have a lot of empty seats.

There is a lot of scenes of Spanish speaking in the movie. I do not know Spanish. So I have no clue what is being said. The DVD didn’t have sub-titles to know what is being said.

How can you transition to have a play at the school and do a Bible Study? It is great to see how these kids need someone to do a play and then want to have a Bible Study. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Sometimes the biggest person won’t step up. Sometimes the small ones is what it takes. We must know that God is bigger. God will take care of it. David had a voice! You can use that voice! A God-given Voice! Use it!

Sometimes failure can be a good thing. So next time we try, we get it right.

This movie also reminds me of Last Ounce of Courage, being freedom fighter.

This movie also introduces Liberty Counsel, a law firm, national public interest firm, to help students who’s first amendments rights being taken away.

Freedom cannot be forced to be silent. Freedom is not freedom if forced to do it in private.

This movie also reminds me of what my pathologist said today, as she was drawing blood for my check up. She said she doesn’t quit. If they tell her no, she keeps trying in different angles. That is what this movie done in my opinion.

I think this movie was great because I prefer to watch only faith-based type movies and I work with the youth at church. So this was a great movie. One that I would recommend to anyone with teens or pre-teens. I recommend that you show this movie with the youth and church. You can get a special church license for that viewing.

See how these students try to not be ordinary, or fit in but to be … Uncommon.

I hope this review didn’t spoil the movie for you, but I do recommend that you watch “Uncommon”


This film gives you a lot to think about…our freedom here in America.2

“Students are Clearly Protected by the Constitution … They May Exercise Their Religious and Free Speech Rights.”3

“Every Teenager Should Go See The Faith-Based Film Uncommon.”4

Release date:

DVD is set to be out September 1, 2015.

More information about Uncommon at uncommonfilm.com


1. Uncommon Web Site
2. Christian Film Database
3. Quote on back of DVD jacket: Quote by Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel Founder.
4. Quote on back of DVD jacket: Quote by Charisma News
All information used in this review was taken from watching the movie, the DVD jacket, press release sent to me, and their web site unless otherwise noted.
I was given a free pre-lease DVD copy of “Uncommon” to do this unbiased blog review.

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