Two Dollar Bill Blessing

Two Dollar Bill Blessing – In the movie, Unconditional, Samantha Crawford’s husband occasionally handed out two dollar bills to people to remind them that love is like a Two Dollar Bill, there are plenty of them around but it’s rare to see them. He made the point that love should not be hoarded or hidden.1

Two Dollar Bill

Two Dollar Bill Blessing ($2 Bill Blessing)

Love is like a Two Dollar Bill there are plenty of them around but it’s rare to see them. #TwoDollarBill Share on X

Love is like a Two Dollar Bill there are plenty of them around but it’s rare to see them

So whenever you see this rare bill, let it remind you of love and how we should love other people. We should not hoard love or hide love.

Love is the greatest commandment from God and a Fruit of the Spirit.

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Matthew 22:37-39 King James Version (KJV)

Also found in Mark 12:30-33. The Bible is filled with Words from God that we are to love one another and Love Him!

The Two Dollar Bill is considered the rarest bill in the American Currency causing to people to hoard these two dollar bills since the 1950’s.2

Love should not be hoarded! Love is meant to be shared that is the purpose of this blessing is to bless someone with a two dollar bill ($2 Bill). Nor shall we hide our love!

Check out my review and the trailer to the Movie, Unconditional.

Facts About the Two Dollar Bill (Facts About the $2 Bill)

  1. $2 bills were printed until 1966.
  2. Reintroduced in 1976 as part of the Bicentennial.
  3. The revised $2 bill from 1976 replaced the Monticello with a depiction of John Trumbull’s painting, “Declaration of Independence.”
  4. In 1925, the U.S. government tried to promote the use of $2 bills by putting one in all federal-employee pay envelopes.
  5. When you go to pay with one, people often will question you about the $2 bill and it’s authenticity.
  6. Who’s on the $2 bill? It’s been Thomas Jefferson since 1869. But when the bill was introduced in 1862, it featured Alexander Hamilton’s portrait.
  7. No standard slot for the $2 bill either. So it usually goes with the larger bills under the cashier drawer.
  8. As a general rule of thumb, if a $2 bill has a red Treasury seal and serial numbers, it’s at least a somewhat-valuable collectable. If the bill has a green Treasury seal and serial numbers, then it’s probably not worth more than face value.
  9. In 2005, a Baltimore man was arrested and held in custody until Secret Service agents could verify that the 57 $2-bills he used to pay Best Buy for installing a radio-CD player in his son’s car were genuine.
  10. $2 bills make up just 1% of all US bills in circulation.
  11. According to the US Treasury, merchants aren’t legally obligated to accept $2 bills — or bills of any other denomination. Yes, they have to accept US dollars, but those dollars don’t have to be in the form of coins and paper money.
  12. This note is sometimes referred to as the “Lazy Deuce” because of the horizontal two featured on the face of the note.


  1. Movie:Unconditional
  3. Portable Press

First published August 5, 2015. Last updated or republished December 15, 2020.

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