So commit to True Love Waits. Show that you honor God’s Word and your future spouse by abstaining. Abstaining will help you grow closer to God and not be part of the World. Conforming to the world is a deadly game to play. Keep your eyes focused on God. God will provide that one for you. You don’t need to have sex to prove your love for that person. If they truly love you, as I said, they will respect and honor you on that, more so, they will love Christ before loving you. God is first! We are to live second. I shared in this entry some images I found. I like the one that says True Love Waits but Lusts Don’t. That is so true, Love will allow you to wait, lust (a sin of the flesh) will not allow you to wait. Also check out this Safe Sex blog post. Also another form of the True Love Waits purity is called Silver Rings.
I also recommend you read a book called True Love Project: How the Gospel Defines Your Purity by Clayton King.
I Challenge you
I hope that me being in my late 30’s (at the time of this first publishing) can help inspire our youth and even other single adults to abstain until married. I do make a challenge to search your heart and pray and seek God’s guidance and seriously commit to staying pure until you are married. You may be a youth, a divorced adult, a single adult, a widowed adult, basically any adult or child that is not married!
An addition after posting
My addiction was to the woman I dated. I’d freely give myself over to her with no questions asked. I hoped to please that woman I was with to show them live attention etc. I found out that was the wrong attention to give to them or me. I would then get hurt and repeated again several times over. Not living a Godly life either. It’s not till I ended a relationship like that. It was unhealthy for us both. I then took my purity covenant to abstain till marriage. If I am going to be a Spiritual leader I must strive to live by setting the example.
I want to hear from you. Did you sign the True Love Waits? If so, I want to know about your experience so far. Did you stick with it? Did you fail?
Do you plan to sign this? If so why?
What does True Love Waits mean to you?
Anything else you wish to share?
You know if you do fall, God will forgive you. Just ask for forgiveness, confess and repent. Repent meaning turn away. Give yourself a Reset and start all over again. With God on your side you can do it! Don’t look back, keep looking forward and move on!
Bible verses
Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body
1 Corinthians 6:18
Now regarding the
1 Corinthians 7:1questions you asked in your letter. Yes, it is good to abstain from sexual relations
but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
1 Corinthians 7:9
Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
More Bible verses were used in some of the parts of this blog post too.
There are plenty more Bible verses if you dig into the Bible you will find much more.
Ready to sign?
Are you ready to sign? You can go to this link and sign their commit form online or even download printable versions too.
Full True Love Waits Post in parts
Part 1 (About & The Pledge)
Part 2 (Five Commitments of True Love Waits & When I First Learned About True Love Waits)
Part 3 (Where to Wear the Ring, Those Who Commit Adultery & Those Who Don’t Want to Wait)
Part 4 (Stay in the Word, Why Abstain? & Becoming One)
Part 5 (The Closing, Bible Verses & The Challenge To You)
More blog post about Sexual Purity, Marriage, Abstinence, and Dating
- Love, Sex & Dating with Andy Stanley Part 1 (video)
- Marital Privilege, The
- Marriage: One Man, One Woman, Period!
- Premarital Biblical Counseling
- Safe Sex: Be Married & Faithful
- Sex Outside of Marriage is Fornication
- One Kiss on the Forehead
- Dumped Because of Committed to Abstinence Until Marriage
First published True Love Waits on April 7, 2013. Last updated or republished on February 5, 2019.
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true love will do what is right for the one you love. Hopefully yourself included in that love
Amen! thanks for sharing!
Sad today people want to test drive before marriage as they call it. Don’t they understand that it’s a precious gift meant for your future spouse. More test driving more you can contact something or unwanted pregnancies and like you said you also become one with all other prior people. True love will make sex special when it’s based on a God centered relationship.
I was 13 and knew nothing about sex. I’d not ever really kissed a boy with any sense of longing. But there I was in the Southern Baptist Church in which I grew up working through a program based on a handful of Bible verses extracted from context led by group leaders. And knowing nothing about what reality had in store, I signed a little card and got a little ring in front of my church.
I’m a Christian. And don’t get me wrong; I think that waiting is good. But the whole “True Love Waits” concept needs to come with a nice dose of reality (not to mention science). You’re in 7th grade and forced to say that you’ll wait. But what if you’ve never been horny? You’ve never known what it feels like. And you weren’t ever taught that while waiting is ideal, how can you deal with things if something happens? And one day, a kid is alone with his/her boyfriend or girlfriend and groping on the couch goes farther. Clothes come off. And because you thought you were going to wait, you’re not prepared. You think one time won’t hurt.
How many folks in the same Southern Baptist youth group had sex (and then many, a lot of guilt) in just this scenario? Of those I knew, it wasn’t a small number. And because kids weren’t prepared for reality, kids had babies (because abortion wasn’t an option and nobody went went adoption). Teenage lives were complicated far too early (affecting far too many family members adversely who then had to care for a kid that could have been prevented with a dose of science and a condom). Quick marriages between teens (who would have never gotten near engagement otherwise) happened. And then there was divorce later for some.
I’m blessed and lucky. I waited because I wanted to know what I was getting into. I had sex of my own volition and choosing at 26. Was I married? No. I’m 33 now. Am I married? No. And I don’t think it’s something I want. Am I a whore? No? I don’t have wild, indiscriminate sex? I’ve gone years without it. And I have also had it for long periods of time consistently with a single partner (with birth control and disease testing/prevention). I’m healthy and happy. But I was lucky. I saw through the (short sighted) offerings of True Love Waits. I waited for me…and even if I hadn’t, I was always prepared (years before I had sex, even).
Why kids aren’t taught a possible Biblical ideal, but then also how to be responsible is criminal to me…and a failure of Christians. I’ve seen many lives wrecked by the narrow view of True Love Waits and dreams cut short. I’m lucky (and still a Christian…just one that believes in a healthy dose of reality and responsibility as well).
Wonderful post. I read a fiction novel where the teens were participating in a similar program that had a major impact on their lives. When we do things God’s way that is always the results. It’s funny, though, how the world doesn’t think twice about premarital sex. It’s just something you do like brushing your teeth. How sad that we have diminished something God gave as a gift has been diminished to “no big deal.”
Sounds like an interesting novel what is it called Mary? Our youth is doing the silver rings/true love waits next month.
@Mary Collins You are right the World doesn’t think twice about what they do anymore. Thanks for the comment.
@grown up No one is forced to commit, you make the commit on your own to abstain based on the Biblical standards from God. True Love teaches these standards. People look at Christianity as too many to do’s or don’t. It is about wanting to follow the one who saved us. Jesus.
@Concerned It is said that people today don’t see it as a precious gift from God. It will be very special when it is in the means of a Biblical Christ-Centered marriage and stays inside that marriage.
After watching this documentary, April 17, 2015, it was the Youth Evangelistic Conference of 1993 that I attended where I learned about this and won the t-shirt, because the documentary we watched told us that they presented it to that conference. I remember as a youth in church we would go to that every year.
I have had my true love waits ring for a year 😉
Awesome I have had mine a few years now I think.
I’m right behind you on my spiritual maturity I think lol. It’s a process.
It is a process. It can be hard too. But we must stand firm.
Checks this blog post out: