I work on the van route for my church, we pass by a busy truck stop all the time. I always wondered how many of them are saved and if there were ministries for these truckers. I googled and found Truckers Christian Chapel Ministries. I wrote them to ask them some questions about their ministry so I can share it with my readers. I attached their logo to this blog post. On the logo it reads their name of their ministry and Reaching Truckers For Jesus Christ. Which is part of their motto. Their motto is Reaching Truckers for Jesus Christ through the Local Church.

Started the ministry:
Glenn Cope started this ministry in 1987. I was told by Rich Desmond that Glenn is still active in the ministry and that he is now 87 years old.
Join the ministry:
Are you interested in joining their ministry? To join their ministry you need a recommendation by a Church Pastor, Be Born Again, agree to their Statement of Faith, and go through training classes. Having prior trucking industry experience is helpful. A candidate should have the gifts of Evangelism and Administration. To join their ministry you need a recommendation by a Church Pastor, Be Born Again, agree to their statement of faith, or by going through training classes.
Why it was started:
This ministry was started to help reach Jesus Christ to truckers and all of those traveling all of our nations highways through help with local churches.
What do you get out of the ministry:
Rich tells me that one thing he gets out of this ministry is Knowing that the positive results in our mission has had names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
I believe that is a great thing to say. It is always good to have names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. We all should have a huge concern for those lost just like Rich does, as well as, Paul did in the Bible.
When and where do they meet:
They usually meet on the Lord’s Day and Rich told me and sometimes during the week too. They are usually at truck stops where the truckers are familiar and comfortable with. Plus the truckers can come as they are dressed. Most of the volunteer workers use to be truckers or worked in the industry so they are familiar with what goes on while on the road. All those volunteers including Rich and the owner are all volunteers. They do not get paid to do the ministry.
How much does it cost?
The only cost is time well spent to share the Gospel, conduct a Bible Study, be there to listen or to give Biblical advice. Supporters who would like to donate to the effort are greatly appreciated.
How many members?
At the time of this posting, I was told they have 160 workers in 100 locations throughout the USA, with Ohio and New Jersey being the two main Office locations. These workers are mostly Chaplains, who are commissioned by the Local Sponsor Church, and authorized to conduct Chapel services under TCCM’s ministry at the truck stop.
Bible verses for the ministry:
I even asked what Bible verse or verses represents their ministry and I was told there are two. Genesis 28:15 and Matthew 22:9. Below is those verses.
Genesis 28:15
Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.
Matthew 22:9
Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.
Both of these are great verses for on the road I believe. One reminds us that God is always with us no matter where we go and the other reminds us no matter where we go, we are to share the Gospel of Christ to others. That wedding day is referring to the Bride-Groom reunion of the coming of our Lord and Savior.
Additional info:
Chaplain Rich did tell me that they travel around to find truck stops without a ministry program then they implement, get permission and train others to run one in locations without one. They use local churches around the truck stops to handle any emergencies that may come up with drivers. Those churches are mostly Baptist Churches since it is the basis of their ministry and from which their Statement of Faith comes from. However, they are non-denominational in their services to drivers and travelers, yet evangelical and fundamental.
Rich state they do not own any buildings and they use their own homes as the offices. They even use their own vehicles as well. They did have one vehicle donated to the ministry. That pickup was donated to the ministry about 10 years ago.
Rich also tells me he goes to churches and share what their ministry provides. He also is the liaison between truck stops corporations and their ministry. Plus he also trains all new Chaplains.
Contact Truckers Christian Chapel Ministry:
If you have any questions, interested in Truckers Christian Chapel Ministry then feel free to visit their website at: www.tccministries.org
Are you a trucker and been to these chapels or similar ministries for truckers, I would love to hear from you. Please share a comment about your experience. What ministry was it. Where was it and your experience or any thing else you wish to share.
Even if you are not a trucker, it is good to learn about other ministries, you never know when you will run into someone who could benefit from that ministry. If you have a ministry that you would like highlighted on Courageous Christian Father, please feel free to share that with me and I will check into it.
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Glen Cope is a good man and I want to wish him and his family the best on this Easter….He is risen. I was a homeless artist and sign painter back in 1987 living at the Exit 36 Truck stop where Glenn started his ministry. He often had me to his home and fed me on occasion. I used to paint the the signs for him that he placed in Truck stops across the country….mostly the T A truck stops. I am glad to hear he is still doing what he was called to do. God bless him and his family.
Christ is indeed risen! I am glad Christ used him to reach you. Oh neat on the T A signs. Thank you for visiting and commenting.