Recovery from Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy Surgery

Day 11 – Monday

Tonsillectomy Recovery & Adenoidectomy Surgery


I had my second bowel movement since my surgery just after midnight. Most of the diet soft foods are liquid base. When, I did the two times, they were hard stokes. You may want to get some fiber. It comes in liquid, gummies and powder, these would be the best to take them. I have chewable tables myself but I don’t say graythis  kind for the throat conditions and the scabs.
One thing about eating canned chicken, I could smell it in my urine and my bowels. So I found one downfall to that.

I also used a sick day at my main job as a graphic designer to give an extra day of healing. After all it is slow on Mondays there. I also took off from my part-time job, pizza delivery driver, I know that would be a strain as well. My health is more important.

I did set alarm for naps, I’d sleep one and half hours. I’d wake up with a dull to medium pain. I knew if I slept longer that the pain would totally be horrible. Broken sleep is no fun, but it’s best to stay on top of the pain management.

I also ran out of my liquid pain medicine too today.

I tried mashed potatoes again today. I diluted or thinned it with low sodium chicken broth. Let it cool some, it was warm. It was more tolerable than the last time. Still not the greatest feeling, bu much easier than the last. I’m ready for real food.

I even drank by spoon cooled down low sodium chicken broth. That makes me want egg drop soup now. Just cannot eat with the crazy noodles if I do.

I did notice swelling seems down today, but my throat is still sore. I can still see the tonsillectomy scabs.

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Tonsillectomy Recovery & Adenoidectomy Recovery - Day 11
Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy – Day 11


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