Recovery from Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy Surgery

This blog post will show you my second week of Tonsillectomy Recovery & Adenoidectomy Recovery (T&A Surgery — when combine both) that was done on Thursday, April 7, 2016. I did page breaks for each day, make sure to click the next day or the navigation tabs under each day.

Recovery from Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy Surgery (Tonsillectomy Recovery & Adenoidectomy Recovery)
Recovery from Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy Surgery

I believe the reason for longer recovery is one it is harder on you the older you are and two I not only had my tonsils removed but I also had my adenoids removed. So both surgeries may have added time onto recovery.

Please note that I did blog about my experience each day, so I did write this as I was experiencing this. This is my second week. Click here to read about my first week of recovery.

Day 8 – Friday

Tonsillectomy Recovery & Adenoidectomy Surgery


It just turned over to midnight, I felt something funny like and more bad tasting in my mouth. I spit out blood. I went to go look at my throat and it looks like one of the scabs may have came off. I can see the bleeding. My left side. My right side scab is still there. It has a different feel to that side. I do not think all of it came off, but I know some of it did. Once you start bleeding, you have to keep on eye on it. Too much bleeding you can hemorrhage.That area where I believe it may have come off now feels like a throbbing feeling.

The bleeding on my first one stopped a short time after. I kept rinsing my mouth with water. I believe that might have helped.

I did wake up chilled and sore. I slept almost five hours, most at one time. But, I woke up dry mouth. I took my body temp it said 96.1. Lower than normal.

Made scrambled eggs to try to eat, kind hard to eat the eggs. One their too warm (something you rarely ever here me say, I’m picky as my hot food just be hot). It still hurts to swallow for two. (Guess that’s why they say cold soft foods for two weeks. One week down on that and one to go) again, not to over do it, I ate small and tiny bites.

I’m tired of soft cold foods I want real food. Mashed potatoes I tried to make other day was hard to eat as they stick in your mouth. Eggs might work if you like wet & cold eggs.

I started to feel emotion yesterday night and today I felt really emotion.

The pain seemed to come back. I know the pain has came and gone. Some times are more tolerable than others.

[spoiler title=’Day 8 Pic – gross’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]

Tonsillectomy Recovery & Adenoidectomy Recovery - Day 8
Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy – Day 8


Click to read about Day 9

Introduction | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 12 | Day 13 | Day 14 | Extended Recovery | Recovery Tips

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