To make a long story short is to tell the short version of a long story.

To Make A Long Story Short
This phrase is believed to originate in the 1800s.
To make a long story short is to tell the short version of a long story. Share on XOne of the first examples of the phrase …
“Not that the story need to be long, but it will take a long time to make it short.”
Henry David Thoreau in a letter from 1857
I guess the old saying, “Less is More,” is true in this case. Sometimes those extra lead up points can be omitted. So get to the point and share the story, even if it is the short version.
I guess you can say it is almost like the Cliff Notes version.
Another saying can work … acronym for Kiss … simply says … Keep It Simple Stupid. Yes, I said stupid, that is the other phrase connected to keeping it short.
With that said, to make a long story short … I’m gonna keep this short. Keep those long stories brief!
When it comes to sharing our testimony is similar. Share how life was before Christ and how He saved / transformed you. Then how your life is now with Christ.
When we share the gospel, often we do need to make it brief, but we need to make it to the point because it is a TRUE STORY!
Share it! Tell others about Jesus Christ.
Sharing the Gospel aka the Good News is led by the Holy Spirit and can vary depending on the person or persons. We ALL are called to share Christ and what He did for us.
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