To Boost your Post on your Facebook Page or Not

Do you own a Christian blog or web site? Do you have a corresponding Facebook Page for that blog or web site? Have you ever thought about using the promote feature to promote a certain post on your Facebook Page? Then, read on with my experience and I will discuss …

To Boost your Post on your Facebook Page or Not that is the question.

Screen shot: Courageous Christian Father Page on Facebook Promoted results
Screen shot: Courageous Christian Father Page on Facebook Promoted results

I decided to give it a try and see. I did cheap way the $5.00. One time route. I boosted a post of mine on my page. I see it claims that I got 1,660 reaches. It shows it only got 4 links from the promotion. I didn’t notice new followers from the promotion, nor did I notice an increase to my blog traffic from that promoted post.

So my experience it doesn’t seem to work well. But maybe if you boosted other things or current things it just might. I picked a random post only page that was about a blog entry I made.

Maybe the content has a factor. I am sure it is hit and miss when you promote a post on your Facebook page. I don’t really recommend the promote on Facebook. But if you wanted to try for yourself, maybe try the $5 route first. It may take playing with types of post you promote too.

Does anyone else have experience with Facebook Page promotion? What was your experience? I would like to hear from you.

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