Time doesn’t heal! Jesus heals! The amount of time it takes us to heal was the amount of time God allowed us to heal. It is all about His time, not our time!

We have always heard time will heal all wounds. That statement is so true. Only Jesus can heal!
Healing in Gods time!
God’s timing is just right.
He knows when the best time for healing and other things to happen. All of that happens for His will and not ours. Yes, we may want the healing sooner than later. Often, we may not be healed here on Earth. But for the Saint (born again / the saved) our healing may come in Heaven with a glorified new body.
So remember that time won’t heal you, only Jesus can! Allow Jesus to heal you! You must totally surrender to Him. Trust in Him and Him alone!
3 Types of Healing
Healing comes in three types.
- Physical – This would be our bodies
- Mental or Emotional – This would be our minds.
- Spiritual – This would be our relationship with God.
Jesus is the only one that can heal all three types! That is why He is the Great Physician!
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