Three Years

I have been blogging since around 2004. I started blogging with about two hobbies of mine. This is why you see some older blog post. Those I imported into this blog.  By around 2010-2011, I felt led to start blogging for God. Around that time I lost the domain address I had because I forgot to renew it.

I believe in the time that I was in the world and blogging for the hobbies I had, that God was using me to prepare for me this blog ministry here at Courageous Christian Father. Kind of like how Moses was in the desert for so long before God used Moses to deliver the people.

So October 6, 2012, I went and registered and been blogging fur God ever since.  I think September of 2014, is when I started to notice the increase in daily pageviews. They have been ever since.

This year, 2015, I have felt led to at least make sure to post at least one blog entry a day. So far i have been able to do that. I hope I will continue to be able to post at least one blog entry per day.

I plan to continue to run a blog ministry as long as God allows me.

Steve Blogging for 3 Years image
Steve Blogging for 3 Years image

I want to take this time to thank everyone for your support. Thanks to my readers too. Thanks to everyone who shares blog post on their social networks.

This blog ministry has been a blessing to me. Allowing me to blog what I feel led to share. Plus recipes and even reviews of faith-based movies and even family type attractions and more.

I know I couldn’t have done it with out God. He is is the one that gets the increase.

I run this blog ministry out of my own money. If you feel led to donate you can. There are buttons on the sidebar of a desktop version.

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