Thomas Nast Christmas – Nineteenth century political cartoonist Thomas Nast was among the most influential people of his time, and chances are he’s still influencing the lives of millions of young people today, more than a century after his death.

Thomas Nast Christmas
Just like Norman Rockwell, Thomas Nast is also famous for Christmas art.
Nineteenth century political cartoonist Thomas Nast, a German-born American caricaturist and editorial cartoonist, was among the most influential people of his time, and chances are he’s still influencing the lives of millions of young people today, more than a century after his death. In addition to his political cartoons, such as Uncle Sam and others, which historians feel are invaluable tools in helping to understand how nineteenth century Americans felt about their country’s civil war, Nast created the now-iconic image of Santa Claus. Nast, who was born in 1840, created the image in 1863 after his wife read him Clement Clark Moore’s poem “A Visit from Saint Nicholas.” Though the image of Santa Claus has evolved from Nast’s original in 1863, he is credited with forming the basis of the popular depictions of Santa that have become synonymous with the Christmas season.
Article Compliments of Metro Creative. HL18A371 – First published December 25, 2018. Last updated or republished December 4, 2020.
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