thelifebook: How To #1 Video (The Life Book Gospel of John)

thelifebook: How To #1 Video

thelifebook: How To #1 Video

This is the 1st of four how to video for the life book
(4th of 4 How To videos)

This video gives instructions and tips on handing out the Life Book’s, which are Gospel of John Books with commentary. There are four in this series and this if the fourth.

The Life Book’s unique design engages students with the truth of God’s Word as they are introduced to Jesus Christ. In 110 pages, students encounter a short recap of the Old Testament, the entire Gospel of John (ESV), interactive student comments and questions in the margins, and scriptural answers to issues teens face – all leading to a call to repent and trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Because students have the right to distribute religious literature in public schools, The Life Book presents a unique opportunity for churches to mobilize their teenagers to reach their classmates and peers with the gift of the Gospel.1

Make sure you order yours today for your youth at your church! These Life Books are free! Visit for more information. You can request from 100 to 2,000 of these free Life Book’s. Let’s saturate our middle and high schools with the gospel, and let our youth know they also are responsible for sharing the gospel too.

[pullquote]”Watch God Do His Thing!”[/pullquote]


You can also have your students mark your church information on the inside or buy a stamp with your church information on it. Like your church name and address, church contact information and such. Your students can write a personal note to the person they wish to give them too as well.

Most importantly, ask your youth to pray over these Life Book’s that they may reach the people that God intends to have them.
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The Life Book How To Video Series

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The Movement | The Saturation Begins




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8 thoughts on “thelifebook: How To #1 Video (The Life Book Gospel of John)

  1. The life book has the Gospel of John with commentary … Most people use Gospel of John as tracts a d a way to introduce the gospel. So this has Word of God in it just the Gospel of John. They say Gospel of John is recommended as the first Book to read to new believers.

  2. thanks for sharing. I guess some people get overwhelmed looking at the Bible… I once had some people freak out when I said they ought to read the book of Acts,lol. You would have thought I said read WAR & PEACE over the week end. But I id not even set a time at all

  3. Yes I would have to agree, I guess why they do it just as the Gospel of John to introduce them without overwhelming them with a lot at once. If non believers were given a whole Bible and said here read this, what are the chances they will? If just given the Gospel of John, they may be more apt to read that then get intrigued.

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