The Testimonial of Steve Patterson, blog owner

Growing up


I grew up going to Alice Bell Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN. I got saved when I was a young kid. By the time I was a teenager I wanted to be a youth minster. I was very active in church and even scouts. In Scouts I was the Chaplains Aid. My Eagle Scout project consisted of landscaping the annex building. At that time it wasn’t used for anything. Some called it the youth building. Sometime after my project was finished they opened the annex building to become a Mother’s Day out after school care.

By the time I was 18

By the time I turned 18, in 1994, I was still in the church. I was still in high school. I was in the 12th grade. When church found out I was 18 years old, they made me move to the adult class, despite I was still in high school. The adult class they moved me into, I had nothing in common with them. They all were in the late 20’s to mid 30’s. All had kids and were married. I felt out-of-place. So I pretty much wasn’t active anymore.

Start of downfall?

I dated this one person. I allowed sin to come in. I allowed her to take something away from me that I was hoping I was going to save. I was wanting to do “True Love Waits” but my church didn’t want to do it, since I was the only youth that wanted to do it. I gave into sin and allowed this woman to take a precious gift from me. I wanted to make sure that I would take my responsibility if something did happen. I had a presidential scholarship for Hiwassee College. I was going to go for Youth Ministry. I ended up giving that up. I praise the Lord that nothing became of this.

So that I believe was the downfall. I have not been into church since then. I have been through a lot in that time period. But, now I am getting back right with God. I am back on track and living the life I should.

Another time?

I got involved with another woman. This woman was my daughters mother. She and I never married. I even got married. I got custody of my daughter shortly after I got married. I didn’t feel loved and I gave into sin and cheated on my wife. I regret that I ever did that. But that is my past and it is what makes me who I am.

Yet again?

I lived with that woman in lust, and unmarried. I got blinded I allowed a woman to come my drug of choice. No I didn’t do street drugs or the such, but I got addicted to a person. This addiction was a form of sexual impurity and lust for this person. My addiction to a person can lead you away from the cross! You must be careful and not allow someone to lead you away from the Cross. I seemed to pay more attention to that one woman than to my own daughter and even the Lord.

Back on track!

My life was on a road to destruction and damnation in hell. I allowed sin to over take me big time. That is when I started praying and repenting of my sins. Then, after that my life started to get back on track again. Here is that story.

Start of my new Journey with Christ

In October of 2011 my daughter and I went to Judgement House hosted by Holston Baptist Church in Strawberry Plains, TN. We went Piedmont Baptist Church in Dandridge. This is where my sister and my daughter were going. I went with the youth to Judgement House. While I was at Judgement House things started to hit me and my daughter. My daughter got saved from it and a scene there hit me hard. It was how this father wasn’t there for his child. It reminded me of how I felt I really wasn’t there. So I turned away from that and now been looking forward. I put Christ in my life and all things have been going great ever since! If it wasn’t for the Holy Spirit convicting both my daughter and I at Judgement House, I wouldn’t be here today giving you this testimonial.

Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins and giving us eternal life through you to our Father in Heaven.

Daughter got baptized

In November 2011 my daughter was baptized. That was a happy day for me. I was very pleased with that.

Going to church

I was going to Piedmont Baptist Church. Our sermons from Pastor Bob Neal have been hitting hard. That is the Holy Spirit convicting you, I might say. February 2012, was a great month too. It was about man’s role as spiritual leader. It lead to viewing of the movie Courageous on 25th of February 2012. On 26th, we had Courageous Sunday. Men of the church, including me took part in this. I took the Resolution and ever since things have been going great and we are living more and more for the Lord.

I have my “Resolution” up in my living room amongst all the family pictures up on the wall in the living room.

Devotions & Missionary type work

My daughter and I do daily devotions. We also help Justin with the Life Care Center and the Samaritan House ministries from our church. On 3 of April 2012, Justin told my daughter and I that we are Jefferson County Missionaries. We might not be witnessing, but we are there for help and moral support. It can help to show a witness to those who may need it. I guess that is why I felt led to type up this testimonial. I even went to a local jail with Justin. He went there to preach. I went as support for him.

Blog turned over to Christ

In 2012, I changed this blog over to blog for God. Some entries that use to exist no longer exists. I have turned my blog over to Christ and going to use it as a witnessing tool to reach the lost over the internet. You will also see some older entries soon being gone too

Humbling myself

I wanted to humble myself and share with you my testimonial. Maybe you are going through a similar aspect or anything else. Remember God is the answer. He will see us through it. We have to leave it up to his hands, not ours. It is always his will. Psalm 46:10 shows us this. So let us Be Still and Know he Is God!

Seeking more knowledge in Him!

Since all this, I have watched the movie Fireproof on my own. I am currently listening to Love Dare. I am not dating or involved with anyone. I will in God’s time and when he brings me that special someone, but by listening to the Love Dare, I will be read, if that ever happens. I am also encouraged to watch some of these other life changing movies that has been made to help us understand God’s word and grace. I find myself wanting to seek more knowledge about our Savior.

My challenge to you!

I challenge all men to watch at least Courageous and even Fireproof to help with your family and your walk with God. Both of those movies are convicting movies. I admit, I cried watching both of these movies. You might say they are just a movie. But they are more than that. These movies were made by men who felt the power of God to share with us what we need to know and do. I am a single father with custody of a teenaged child. I know it will be hard and a struggle, but I am leaving it all in God’s hands. God will see me through everything. I just need to repent of my sins and ask God what he wants. It is on His time, not ours! I want to hear and see more men take the Resolution and actually mean it.

Daily Changes

I noticed changes daily in my walk with Jesus. We have to reply on Him and He will take care of us every step of the way. We cannot rely on man. We must rely on our Father in Heaven. Remember no one can come to the Father, but through Jesus Christ Himself. With Christ you will also will see changes in you. You will want to refrain from past and sin. Granted we all sin, but you find yourself wanting to do the sin less and less and feel a conviction when you do that sin. It hurts more when you do that sin than before. That is the Holy Spirit telling you that you are doing wrong and to turn away from that.


Still today I do struggle some. I am not perfect. I do fall from time to time. Sins of the flesh can be hard to overcome at times. But, we must try our best to overcome those sins. If I said I am perfect and don’t sin, then I am a liar. God is always there to catch us and bring us back to where we need to be. Thank you God for being our loving, merciful, caring Father.

I have felt led to sign the True Love Waits. I am a divorced and single. I feel it is best if I signed it. I bought me a putter Christian ring for the ring. To make a vow to abstain until I am married. I wanted to do it as a youth and never got to.

Today …

It is hard to believe I went from almost going to college to be a youth minister (1995) to falling from Christ. Good thing is Christ loves us the way we are. All we have to do is ask forgiveness of our sins. I hope this testimonial has helped you in some way. Remember we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and we are redeemed by Jesus Christ. I have also just started my bachelors degree in Theology at Andersonville Theological Seminary (March 2013).

I remarried February 17, 2018 and have been going to True Life Church in Jefferson City, TN since October 2018.

“As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”

Joshua 24:15

Last updated July 19, 2019.

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