The Symbolism of White Pumpkins: A Tribute to Babies and Children in Heaven

The Symbolism of White Pumpkins: A Tribute to Babies and Children in Heaven — Every fall, white pumpkins begin to appear alongside their traditional orange counterparts, evoking curiosity and wonder. But for many, these pale, serene pumpkins hold a deep, poignant significance: they are symbols of remembrance and honor for babies and children who have passed away and reside in heaven.

The Symbolism of White Pumpkins: A Tribute to Babies and Children in Heaven

a couple of white pumpkins sitting on top of a pile of hay

The Symbolism of White Pumpkins: A Tribute to Babies and Children in Heaven — Every fall, white pumpkins begin to appear alongside their traditional orange counterparts, evoking curiosity and wonder. But for many, these pale, serene pumpkins hold a deep, poignant significance: they are symbols of remembrance and honor for babies and children who have passed away and reside in heaven.
Photo by Richelle Brunstetter on Unsplash

White pumpkins, also known as “ghost pumpkins,” embody purity, innocence, and peace—traits often associated with children and the celestial realms. Their soft, muted hues stand in stark contrast to the vibrant colors of autumn, reflecting a serene beauty that gently whispers of love and loss.

The White Pumpkin

A beautiful poem by Jennifer Giles

This is the story

Of a pumpkin of white

What is its place on this autumn night?

Amidst all the orange and colors of fall

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It seems out of place; not belonging at all

But oh what a place, and oh what a story

You see, in its face lies the image of glory

Of babies so small, so incredibly tiny

Perfect in purpose, their souls shining brightly

No less a baby, a child just the same

As one who was held and called by their name

Was my baby a he?

Or was she a she?

What would my child have grown up to be?

Yet bigger than questions and what ifs and whys

Is the comfort they feel when they look to the skies

For their hope is the truth that they so tightly cling

“I’ll know all the answers, understand everything

on the day that God hands my child back to me”

This pumpkin is sweet baby boys and girls

Who never opened their eyes to this world

Never cried, never feared

Protected from pain

Touched by their innocence

We’re never the same

Lives perfect and pure

All things lovely and sweet

And we honor them here

‘Till heaven we meet

This pumpkin is all of the sweet little ones

Whose lives although short were covered in love

In kisses and snuggles, rocking and playing

Their parents not knowing they wouldn’t be staying

But the time that they had they would never trade

Even if they could be saved from the pain

Their cribs may be empty, but the promise remains

One day they’ll hold their babies again

This pumpkin is for all these sweet angel friends

Whose parents all know this isn’t the end

And how they are doing

Tonight up in heaven

Is better than anything we could imagine

Though we’re missing our children

And we’re still on this side

Our hearts will continue to swell with pride

At the special, the wondrous, the out of place things

Like this white pumpkin, and the joy that it brings

A reminder that our children are more than alive

They are perfectly whole, all things are made right

Angel parents, I know there’s still tears to be shed

But I hope that this pumpkin brings peace instead

Our babies are promised forever in heaven

And that’s the best gift we could ever be given.

Families who have experienced the unimaginable loss of a child often seek ways to keep their memory alive. Displaying a white pumpkin can serve as a heartfelt tribute, a quiet moment of reflection amidst the bustle of everyday life. It’s a way to acknowledge the presence of those little souls in heaven, keeping their spirit close, especially during the seasons of gathering and gratitude.

The symbolism of white pumpkins extends beyond personal grief; it’s a unifying emblem for many communities. Observing October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, support groups and events often incorporate white pumpkins in memorial services and ceremonies. These gatherings create a space for families to come together, share their stories, and find comfort in knowing they are not alone.

Planting white pumpkins or including them in seasonal decor can be an act of healing. It’s a gentle reminder that the memory of these children will always be part of the fabric of family and community life. Their presence, though unseen, is deeply felt.

In this way, white pumpkins are more than mere decorations. They become vessels of love, remembrance, and hope—a silent yet powerful connection to the cherished children who watch over us from the heavens.

It is symbolic symbol these white pumpkins, like blue pumpkins for autism and teal pumpkins for food allergies. Let’s not forget the purple pumpkin during the Covid pandemic.

Have you ever seen a white pumpkin before, or is there a special memory you’d like to share? Maybe there’s a meaning to a different colored pumpkin you’d like to share. Feel free to share in the comments below.

Maybe you have heard Christians are like pumpkins?

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