The Scouting Stuff My Mom Kept — When I was young I was in the Cub Scouts, started as a Bobcat in Cub Scout and made it to the highest rank, Eagle in the Boy Scouts.

The Scouting Stuff My Mom Kept


I think in Cub Scouts I was in Pack 13, I can’t remember … but as a Boy Scout I was in Troop 26 that I do remember. The joys of getting older … forgetting stuff.

The Scouting Stuff My Mom Kept — When I was young I was in the Cub Scouts, started as a Bobcat in Cub Scout and made it to the highest rank, Eagle in the Boy Scouts.

My mom passed away recently and going through her stuff we found she kept some of the Scouting stuff too.

The Scouting Stuff My Mom Kept — When I was young I was in the Cub Scouts, started as a Bobcat in Cub Scout and made it to the highest rank, Eagle in the Boy Scouts.  Cub Scout Rank pins missing Wolf pin.
Cub Scout Rank Pins (Missing Wolf Pin)

We found so far three of the four Cub Scout rank mother pins missing the Wolf pin.

The Scouting Stuff My Mom Kept — When I was young I was in the Cub Scouts, started as a Bobcat in Cub Scout and made it to the highest rank, Eagle in the Boy Scouts.  
My moms old troop committee uniform
My moms old Troop Committee Uniform

We found her Troop Committee Uniform. It had most of the Boy Scout rank mother’s pins. I think it was missing the Star rank. It also had the Arrow of Light pin on it.

She also had a 2 year anniversary star pin on her uniform too.

The Scouting Stuff My Mom Kept — When I was young I was in the Cub Scouts, started as a Bobcat in Cub Scout and made it to the highest rank, Eagle in the Boy Scouts.  My mothers Eagle Scout Rank pin
My mothers Eagle Scout pin

Plus we found my mother’s Eagle Scout pin too. I attained my Eagle 30 Years ago at the time of this blog post. (1994). Yes, I am showing my age.

These are from the 1980’s and 1990’s.

As a side note I still have all my Cub Scout and Boy Scout patches. I have my Boy Scout Uniform.

Maybe as we go through more of her stuff, we might find more Scouting stuff plus the missing rank mother’s pins. If I do, I plan to add it to this blog post and update it.

Thank you Lord for the Scouting and the influence it had in my life. I do wished it still had those values it once had.

Do you still have your old Scouting items or a loved ones? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Check out Courageous Christian Father’s Wish list on Amazon where you can purchase and this items sent directly to him and they will be used for the ministry.

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