The Lord‘s prayer a model prayer broken down

The Lord‘s prayer a model prayer broken down – this is the prayer we can model our prayers off for praying. #bgbg2 #LordsPrayer #Prayer

The Lord‘s prayer a model prayer broken down

The Lord‘s prayer a model prayer broken down - this is the prayer we can model our prayers off for praying. #bgbg2 #LordsPrayer #Prayer

This is the model prayer that Jesus gave us. To have us pray in that way.

Our Father which art in heaven

God, our Father, our creator is in Heaven. He created everything! This is our relational prayer. We need the relationship with Him to have this.

Hallowed be thy name

His name is holy and needs to be reverenced. Plus God’s last name is not damn. We shouldn’t take His name in vain (use it as cuss word!)

Is name is to be honored and glorified.

Thy kingdom come

His kingdom will soon take place. Jesus is coming again! We all will stand before God on judgement day.

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven

It is all about Him! Him alone! It is not about what we want! It’s about doing as He commanded. Surrender life to Christ! It’s all about His will! We are not our own. We were bought with a price. We are ALL called to share the gospel with everyone!

Some people say try replacing Earth with your city or town you live or work in. How will that change the way you think about things. For example Thu will be done in Jefferson City, as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

This is about our Thanksgiving and being thankful. God will give us what we need. He is ALL we need! This is the provision of prayer. Be thankful with Thanks living!

Our daily bread is present tense in the moment. It is daily, just like manna was given on a daily basis just like we are told to take up our cross daily.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

Forgiveness is very important. We must forgive those who wronged us. If we don’t Christ won’t forgive us. The pardon of prayer. We need forgiveness. This is past, present and future tense.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

This is the protection of prayer. Deliverance. God is the only one who can deliver you from temptation. He always has a way out. Protection from the evil one. This is also future tense.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.

The praise of prayer. Ultimate purpose is to praise is to God. Revelations 5. Exult the name of our Father.


The ending of a prayer. Amen means to be in agreement with or even So be it! It is like an acknowledgment.

The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-13

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