the life book movement a movement to help saturate the gospel into our schools. This is great to use for See You At The Pole and even witnessing. Not to mention, having the youth give them out and invite their classmates to church. These are great to hand out on Bring Your Bible to School Day.
the life book movement
Are you a youth leader, youth minister, youth director or even pastor of church? Would you like to get your youth involved in handing out the Gospel in their school and to their friends/peers? Then check out the life book movement. The life book makes great outreach literature to hand out, in my opinion.
It has been almost three years since I have first learned about these awesome Gospel of John Books called The Life Book. I have to order them several times for our youth. I have noticed the middle school youth is more likely to hand the life books out. While the high school youth, is less likely to hand them out, at least in my church.
30 to 50 handed out per student

According the life book they claim the average student can hand out 30 to 50 of these books. What a great way to have our teens start evangelizing and sharing the Gospel to their fellow peers. The below quote taken from their website.
The Life Book contains a short recap of the Old Testament, the entire Gospel of John (ESV), scriptural answers to issues teens face, and an opportunity to trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Throughout The Life Book there are interactive handwritten reactions in the margins from 5 characters including an adult youth leader, and four teenagers ranging from an agnostic to strong believer. The physical properties of the book are similar to a CD case (5″ x 5″) and can be viewed online at:
Given FREE to your church!
These life books are given to your church for free too. The youth use the Life Books to saturate the school by handing them out to their peers for free as well. They are fully funded by the Gideon’s International. It is like your youth being on a short-termed type mission trip to share the Gospel at their local school. Making our youth become disciples by sharing the Gospel. What best gift to give than the gift of the Gospel.
Feel free to register your church youth to hand out these books. I registered our youth too since I am a youth leader at my church. I am very excited to see this movement get started in my church and my hometown. Make sure you carefully pray for the life book movement and the children pray too. Remind the youth that as they hand these out that they plant seeds to their peers.
According to they claim that over 400,000 students have handed out over 10.2 mission of these books, this was in 2013. Now in 2016, their website shows that since 2010, over 1.7 Million students have handed out over 25.2 Million Life Books. With your help getting your students involved you can help reach many more students too! In 2018, the website now shares 33.5 Million Life Books have been given out by 1.9 Million Students.
Inside Look!
The Life Book has a simple but elegant look to it. It also has commentary and notes inside. It even lets you know who is saying what as they read the Gospel of John. I believe these Life Books are great to hand out to the youth. These books will be great for any lost person or backslidden person too. The Gospel of John is one of the recommended books of the Bible to read first.

The Life Book is in the English Standard Version (ESV). This book uses two tone printing, black and red ink on white paper. When the Bible passages are used, the words of Jesus Christ is in red. Plus, each person who gave commentary, has a different font used so you can tell which one said what.
I believe the newer covers has a red spine on the side, unlike the one I have pictured here which is white.
New Look!
The outside has some changes to the color since I first published this blog post.
Also, the new ones are the Gospel of Mark and NOT the Gospel of John.

Request Made
These Life Books ship in boxes, 100 per box. My boxes were shipped via FedEx or a carrier like that. I have been able to get 10-20 boxes, making 1,000 to 2,000 life books total. Two or three different times. However, I do not have any of the new look! I have received several shipments over the last several years too. Plus, I get emails reminding me to reorder more. I know the middle school youth seem more eager to hand them out in my church then the high school youth.
You can put your church information inside these booklets too! I got a stamper with the church name and address and stamp each book with the church info in it. So it is already there for the youth to hand out. Maybe you can have the youth write a specific message the person they give the life book to as well.
Check out how you can get these and other Free Gospel Tracts/Gospel of Johns
More information is found at:
Have you had experience with the life book? If so I want to hear from you. Please share with me your experience with it. If you got one maybe and how it changed your life. Maybe you handed out one and your experience handing these out.
Subscribe to my blog to stay up on the latest on the life book movement. I plan to share some updates, some videos and such that go along with this movement. Plus other experiences that may show up that I am able to share with you, my readers.
Don’t forget to check out these downloads about the laws and rights to be able to hand these Life Books out! Click here!
The Life Book How To Video Series
Welcoming Video | Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Give 5 Find 5 Video
The Life Book Blog Post
The Movement | The Saturation Begins
#thelifebook #lifebook #ccf #SYATP #SeeYouAtThePole #WECryOut
First published September 2, 2013. Last republished or updated August 18, 2018.
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The life book is twaddle, I would not hand it out to anyone. I had my kids review it and they said the only person they could think of who might like it for any reason would be their atheist friend because the way it is written reminds them of the writing from South Park and their friend is a fan of that show. The “characters” that put their “notes” in the book are entirely contrived and are “what a 40 year old mom” would think teenagers would be like. As it is they are a platoon of “typical characters” who anyone who has ever seen a buddy flick would instantly recognize. Some verses from the OT would have greatly help this book.
SuzanDReed The real Bible is what is needed but this is meant for the lost, it is to saturate the high school with the gospel. Actually the cometary in it is the views of several people as they read The Gospel of John. They say for a new believer to start with the Gospel of John, because it gives you more of what Jesus life. Thanks for the comment.
Though I appreciate the intent behind the life book I wonder if giving out actual bibles and staying to read/discuss with the whomever receives them would be more beneficial than handing out a watered down version and walking away. The connection that people get from the bible is what makes Christian community living happen and that comes from interaction, regardless of the text.
My kids and I still think it’s lame and will not share it. Maybe our churches should put more effort into teaching apologetics to our young people so they would be better able to reach out to the unbelievers that they come across in their lives.
I agree.
Mary Trescolada If you give the fully Bible, they are less likely to read it, they will feel overwhelmed, but the Gospel of John gives you the account of Jesus, Jesus is the only way to Heaven. After they are saved, then you can start discipline them into the full Bible. We all have to start somewhere, not everyone will pick up the gospel the same way. The fact is we are told to GO!
ChristianBlogR Agreed that the bible can be intimidating if it’s just handed to you. That’s why I prefer outreach programs that promote interaction between people using scripture as a common ground to build faith and community at the same. I’m skeptical that the supplementary material in the life book comes close to how an attentive believer might coach someone through their first bible reading and it’s inability to make Christ accessible could ultimately turn people away from the bible. All of our experiences are different and based only on what I’ve seen most wayward youth would not be swayed by the life book, though I would be thrilled to be proven wrong.