The Knot Prayer Printable

The Knot Prayer Printable In the journey of life, we often find ourselves entangled in a web of thoughts and emotions that can hinder our progress. It’s like being caught in a series of knots, each one representing the doubts, fears, and limitations we impose upon ourselves. The Knot Prayer is a beautiful and poignant plea for divine assistance in untangling these knots. #KnotPrayer

The Knot Prayer Printable

— Author known to God —

Dear God,

Please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart, and my life.

Remove the have nots, cannots, and the do nots.

Erase the will nots, may nots, and might nots that may find a home in my heart.

The Knot Prayer Printable In the journey of life, we often find ourselves entangled in a web of thoughts and emotions that can hinder our progress. It's like being caught in a series of knots, each one representing the doubts, fears, and limitations we impose upon ourselves. The Knot Prayer is a beautiful and poignant plea for divine assistance in untangling these knots. #KnotPrayer

Release me from the could nots, would nots, and should nots that obstruct my life.

And most of all, dear God, I ask that you remove from my mind, my heart, and my life, all of the “am nots” that I have allowed to hold me back.

Especially the thought that l am not good enough.


The Essence of The Knot Prayer

The Knot Prayer is a simple yet profound supplication that seeks God’s help in removing the mental and emotional blocks that restrict us. It acknowledges the various “nots” we face in life—the “have nots,” “cannots,” and “do nots” that cloud our minds, and the “will nots,” “may nots,” and “might nots” that find a home in our heats. It’s a call to be released from the “could nots,” “would nots,” and “should nots” that obstruct our life’s path¹.

A Prayer for All Seasons

What makes The Knot Prayer so universal is its applicability to any situation where we feel stuck or overwhelmed. Whether you’re struggling with addiction, facing a personal crisis, or simply seeking a clearer direction in life, this prayer serves as a reminder that you are not alone in your struggles. It’s a request for guidance and strength to overcome the internal barriers that hold you back.

The Impact of Reciting The Knot Prayer

Reciting The Knot Prayer can be a powerful practice. It’s an act of surrender, of admitting that sometimes, we need help beyond our own capabilities. It’s also an affirmation of hope and self-belief, a declaration that we are indeed “good enough” and capable of moving past our limitations. By vocalizing our desire to be free from these knots, we set an intention and open ourselves up to the possibility of change and growth.


The author of “The Knot Prayer” is only known to God. This prayer is often used in various Christian communities and recovery groups to inspire strength and faith during challenging times. It has been shared widely across different platforms, but its original source remains unidentified to man.

The Knot Prayer is more than just words; it’s a transformative tool that can aid in personal recovery and empowerment. It encourages us to look within, identify our knots, and seek the divine support necessary to untie them. As we recite this prayer, let us remember that each knot undone is a step towards a freer, more fulfilling life.

May we all find the courage to confront our knots and the grace to be released from them.

This pdf includes a bleed for professional printing.


  1. The Knots Prayer – A Recovery Strength Prayer – CHOOSE HELP
  2. The Knots Prayer – Ultimate Journey
  3. The Knot Prayer – Chapel Hill United Methodist Church
  4. UNDOING KNOTS The Knots Prayer –

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About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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