The Illustrated Holy Bible For Kids Review – This is a kids Bible that is easy to read and uses the NIrV translation. #bgbg2 #BibleGatewayPartners I enjoyed the overall first appearance look. This illustrated Bible is very colorful and has kid-friendly graphics. They have over 750 illustrations throughout the 1,539 pages.
The Illustrated Holy Bible For Kids Review

This Bible for Kids weights around three pounds and is a nice sturdy hard back. It seems easy to turn the pages and flow through the Bible. It is great for those little hands.
Being a graphic designer, I do like the color usage. It is attention grabbing. Not to mention the illustrations used. It also uses Drop caps.
One thing I did note is it breaks the bible up in sections for the stories. Under the main header, it gives the subhead as the address of the Bible, followed by the verses. However, the verses used are not numbered. So the child will not know the verse number. However, they can get close by the subhead using the address.
NIrV, The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids is a brand-new kind of Bible that allows kids ages 4–8 to read the full Bible without chapter and verse numbers and footnotes—study aids that are helpful for adults but can be very distracting for kids. This Bible presents the story of God’s people in a single column format with an extremely readable font. With nearly every turn of the page, children will encounter full-color illustrations and kid-friendly maps that illuminate the Bible story. For children who want to read on their own or with an adult nearby, this is the perfect first full-text Bible for kids who appreciate the power of story and of God’s Word.
Book Info from ZonderKids Website
Again, the Bible’s flow is easy to flow, turn the pages and seems easy to read. The New International Reader’s Version is suppose to be easier to read. It actually is said to be set to a Third Grade reading level.
Back on the design, I do like the colors and the Books of the Bible headers that leads into each Book. That color bar continues on the side of the book.

In some translations, the Rich Man and Lazarus story is missing, but not in this translation. Not to mention, some translations leave out or omit the virgin birth. The NIrV still tells you Jesus was born of a virgin. So that is good!
This illustration Bible is done through ZonderKids, which is a division of Zonderman, a Christian Media and Publishing Company. The ZonderKids specializes in children’s media.
One ding, I noticed, there is no plan of salvation in this illustrated Bible for Kids. If you see other children’s Bibles, they seem to have at least a plan of salvation inside. I do believe it should have been included in the print.
In the unpacking, I noticed a jacket on the back cover of the Bible. It had a special pocket. Opening that jacket pops out a double sided poster. (Be careful when you open that, so you don’t cut or rip the poster). On one side, it has a Bible Map and on the other side is a Bible Family Tree.
Another thing I noticed, the verses, the type seems small to me. So that could make it someone harder to see to read. But the way it is worded, seemed to have been easy to read. Also note, I did not read this cover to over. I just skim over and read some passages here and there.
The Illustrated Holy Bible For Kids Review shows a suggested retail value of $29.99. The ISBN is 9780310765790. It was released June 4, 2019.
I received The Illustrated Holy Bible For Kids for free in order to do this unbiased review and because I am a member of Bible Gateway Blogger Grid (BG2) Member. BibleGatewayPartner
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