The history of the necktie – The necktie got its name over 300 years ago, but fashion experts and historians say that ties have been in existence for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptian pharaohs wore broad ties adorned with precious gems. However, it is believed that the ties worn today trace their origins to 17th century Europe and the Thirty Years’ War. During this deadly conflict, King Louis XIII employed Croatian mercenaries who wore cloth around their necks as part of their uniforms. King Louis so liked the look that he made these types of ties a part of the attire worn at royal functions. To pay homage to the Croatian soldiers, the tie was dubbed “La Cravate.” The British later put their own spin on ties and the ascot was born. Through the years, different ties and styles of knots were invented. Toward the end of 1919, neckties closely resembled the ties people wear today.

The necktie got its name 300 years ago, but fashion experts and historians say that ties have been in existence for thousands of years.
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Types of Necktie Knots


Below is a list of types of knots used with neckties.

  1. Windsor
  2. Four-In Hand
  3. Half Windsor
  4. Simple
  5. Kelvin
  6. Prince Albert
  7. Pratt
  8. Eldredge
  9. Van Wijk
  10. Trinity
  11. Murrel
  12. Balthus
  13. Bow Tie
  14. Victoria
  15. Oriental
  16. Hanover
  17. Cross or Christensen
  18. Boutonniere
  19. Cape
  20. Lindwood Taurus
  21. Alantic
  22. Merovingian or Ediety
  23. Krasny Hourglass
  24. Ellie
  25. Rose
  26. True Love
  27. Novotny
  28. Fishbone
  29. Ascot
  30. & More

Check on how to tie ties and

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