The Great Instruction – The Great Commission

The Great Instruction – The Great Commission – We are to take the task and spread the word about Christ to everyone. We were instructed or commissioned to take that task. It actually is a commandment that we tell others. People’s souls around you are important to God and we are the messenger to that soul. They may never have another chance. Don’t think someone else will do it! We have the Holy Spirit who works through us so we can carry out that task. So be ready and able to spread the word to all places and all situations. Jesus had a plan and that plan involves me, it also involves you.

Go Logo (TN Baptist Golden Offering logo) The Great Instruction - The Great Commission
Go Logo (TN Baptist Golden Offering logo)

The Great Instruction – The Great Commission

I like this logo above, it was from the Golden Offering for 2012 for Tennessee Baptist Association. It was for the State Missions.

One way to be prepared is to study the Word of God. Be ready for questions from other people. It will be like when you were in school and teach threw in a pop quiz. Be ready to give an answer to others.

Remember even Jesus gave a “pop quiz” you can say. Asking Whom do men say that I am the Son of Man am? The disciples gave an answer of what others say he is. He being Jesus.

Jesus was not only our teacher, prophet, healer, and more. He was the Son of God. Remember Jesus was also our Savior. He was our sacrifice to clean us from our sins.

Then Jesus asked them the question. But whom say ye that I am? Jesus was wanting to know his disciples convictions as well and what the disciples thought personally as well. We must see the Lord for who he really is.

Built on the Rock

Our church is built on the rock of Christ. He is the foundation of the church. He is the head of the church. We cannot be a passive church either. Jesus works through the church. The Church is Jesus’s bride. The church is not a building or denomination. We are the church!

In the book of Acts, you will see the church doing what that of the body of Christ did.

When we refuse to share Christ, we deny others access to the kingdom of God.

As we GO we must pray too. Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Pray over the person where you are planting seeds.

Jesus stated, “Go teach” that is an order, an instruction. Thus we are to go and tell others about Christ and what He has done for us. Remember Christ is always with us. He is watching us. He knows our thoughts as well.

We can tell our friends, coworkers, people we pass in the store, share about Christ on our social network, at church, even do mission work. Anywhere and everywhere you go, you have a chance to witness to someone. Take advantage of it. Don’t be ashamed of Christ. We can even maintain a blog, like I do and spread the Good News!

Want to help with mission work here are some web sites that can help.

  1. International Mission Board (
  2. North American Mission Board (
  3. International People Groups (
  4. North American Missions Board (

Share Jesus to the world

We are to go and share Jesus to the world! Also remember we don’t have to go into the mission fields listed above, but our mission field is where we are at. Our homes, neighborhoods, work place, school, where we shop, where we travel. It is everywhere we are and with everyone we come in contact with.

Free Gospel Tracts  to help you get started and help start a conversation to witness to other people. Plus here are ways you can use Gospel Tracts.

One of the best ways to share Christ is sharing your testimony on now Christ has changed your life. We are new creations in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

As we are out and about, Let us Go and share the news about Christ. We are to make disciples. Meaning to Teach. (from Greek). So we must teach and show them the way. Be an example to them what they need to be. That is part of teaching them to observe all things.

We were also instructed to baptize them. Baptizing doesn’t save you either, only Jesus can save us. Baptism helps show your public confession of faith. It’s a way to show cleansing of sins that Christ gives. We are given Holy Spirit our guide. Baptist & most Non-Denominational Christian Faiths believe in full submersion while the Methodist sprinkle. So some faiths do one or the other.

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Build the kingdom of God

God wants us to help build the kingdom of God. That starts with me and you to spread the Good News. There is a lot of people in this world that we must reach. We must tell. We are living in a lost and dying world!

Yes Satan will his best to prevent anyone from knowing about Jesus. We cannot allow that. We must stand strong and firm. God will use us and worth through us to share about Christ to others.

We can study Jesus, but also never have a personal relationship with Him. Some people only believe certain things from the Bible. They pick and choose what they want to believe. They do not accept the total message. Just same not all accept the total package of Jesus either.

Also when you find a church, be careful you do not find a worldly church. A church that accepts principles of the world. You need to find a Bible believing, Bible preaching church. I mean FULL BIBLE! Not parts and pieces but the total Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Not skipping anything in the middle. We must also be discipled and taught too so we can go and share Christ too.

If you can do more! Do it! It may not be easy, but it is our job to share Christ with others. The Holy Spirit was sent as our guide to help us. Don’t disregard your calling to share Christ. It is our job. Jesus instructs us to Go! It’s an instruction! It’s a Command!


One final thought on the final judgement day, how would you like to be in Heaven watching those who never accepted Christ be cast into the Lake of Fire. Someone you made contact with in your life, friends, family, strangers, enemies, etc that you could have shared Christ with. That will be a very sad day as we are in Heaven watching our loved ones being cast into ever lasting punishment. So share Christ with them today so you don’t have to witness that and see a loved one cast into the Lake of Fire with torment the rest of their life.

Other blog post on the Great Commission

 I am sure if you go through more of the blog entries on Courageous Christian Father, you will find many more where I say were are to go and share Christ. Plus even my future post will be on sharing Christ too. So make sure you follow this blog so you won’t miss a blog post.

Footnotes: LifeWords, Learner Guide, Spring 20012, pages 64-71, April 22, 2012; Matthew 16:13-19; Matthew 28:16-20.
Plus make sure you check out those other blog post on the Great Commission too
First published May 10, 2013. Last republished or modified December 16, 2016.

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