The Giving of Gifts as Part of Christmas

The Giving of Gifts as Part of Christmas – Part of Christmas is the giving of gifts and even receiving of gifts. Why do we give gifts as part of this Holiday tradition?

The Giving of Gifts as Part of Christmas

The Giving of Gifts as Part of Christmas - Part of Christmas is the giving of gifts and even receiving of gifts. Why do we give gifts as part of this Holiday tradition?

Growing up, we were always told it is better to give than to receive. Christmas was not only about presents, but the Presence of Jesus Christ. But, traditionally we give gifts and we receive gifts. Why do we do this as part of the Christmas Holiday?

Maybe part of it has to do with the Day of Epiphany, they day the Wise Men came to visit Jesus and gave their gifts to Him. Maybe there is another reason or reasons we do gifts.

The Giving of Gifts as Part of Christmas – Part of Christmas is the giving of gifts and even receiving of gifts. Why do we give gifts as part of this Holiday tradition? Share on X

WhyChristmas shares this about the gifts given to Jesus.

  • Gold: is associated with Kings and Christians believe that Jesus is the King of Kings. learn more
  • Frankincense: is sometimes used in worship in Churches and showed that people would worship Jesus. learn more
  • Myrrh: is a perfume that is put on dead bodies to make them smell nice; Christian believe that it showed that Jesus would suffer and die. learn more

Those gifts given were to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

Jesus was born of a virgin. He came and lived the perfect life that we cannot live. He died the death that we deserved because of our sin. So we celebrate the Birthday, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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At Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ over 2,000 years ago. And we celebrate His birth because He was God’s gift to us—for through Him, God demonstrated His great love for us.

Today we forget about the meaning of Christmas and focus more on gift giving and receiving where it becomes self-centered, materialistic, or even burdensome.

Other people may believe it came about from St. Nicholas. Who gave gifts to children and people. Learn more about him.

No matter what the purpose, Jesus Christ gave the greatest gift that can ever be given.

Why do you believe we give gifts at Christmas?

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First published December 26, 2019. Last updated or republished December 1, 2020.

About the Author

Author: Steve Patterson

A Christian Blogger that enjoys blogging about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays, sewing and much more. I have been blogging since 2004, however, I have been blogging on Courageous Christian Father since 2012. I enjoy listening to Christian Music. I am married with 1 daughter, 2 step-sons and a step daughter.

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