The enemy only needs a tiny crack I do mean tiny, it could be the worlds smallest crack and the enemy can still steal, kill and destroy.

The enemy only needs a tiny crack


Just like cracks on dirt or walls, etc. We can still put things in them. Often the come in without us want it or we put stuff in it to fill it on. What do we fill our own cracks with?

The enemy only needs a tiny crack I do mean tiny, it could be the worlds smallest crack and the enemy can still steal, kill and destroy.
Pexels Photo

What can we do with cracks?

Fill those cracks with Jesus! Did you know some country fill cracked pots with gold. We cannot fill our cracks with anything else. It is Jesus alone that seals that crack. Even the widest crack in the world, Jesus can still fill it! Besides being filled with Jesus makes up much more valuable!

Drugs can’t! Alcohol can’t! Sex can’t! Porn can’t! (Fill in the Blank) can’t as this list can go on forever. We can say this stuff we try to fill in our cracks with that’s not Jesus is sin. The enemy sees and will try to get into these tiny cracks to try to steal from us, kill us and destroy us.

It is only the things of Jesus. So pray up! Study up! Read up! Serve up! Share up! Witness up! Etc. Do the things Jesus would do, W.W.J.D. (What Would Jesus Do).

Be sure to read this blog post on filled with gold and this blog post ties with it!

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