The Doomsday Clock doesn’t determine the End of Times – As Christians, we should know this and not listen to when scientists say the apocalypse will be. #DoomsDay #DoomsDayClock

First off, what is the Doomsday Clock?
Before I get onto what the Bible says about the End of Times and this Doomsday Clock, I will share with you what this special clock is.
The Doomsday Clock doesn’t determine the End of Times – As Christians, we should know this and not listen to when scientists say the apocalypse will be. #DoomsDay #DoomsDayClock Share on XThe Doomsday Clock is a symbol that represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe. Maintained since 1947 by the members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, the Clock is a metaphor for threats to humanity from unchecked scientific and technical advances.
It moves closer and closer with threats and other nuclear advances from various countries.
Timeline of the Doomsday Clock
This may or may not include all the advances that have been done.
- 1947 – Creation
- 1949
- 1953
- 1969
- 1972
- 1981
- 1984
- 1991
- 1998
- 2002
- 2007
- 2016
- 2017
- 2020 – Most current move
Basically, the scientist believes they can predict the end of the world based on this clock and events. It moves closer and closer as events unfold. Recently, in 2020, it moved again to 100 seconds to midnight.
100 seconds is equal to 1 minute and 40 seconds. According to their belief, we are very close to the end of the world.
Yes, there will be an end to the world, we know that from the Bible. When that day is no one knows. After all, in the past, we have had many, many false predictions that never came about. The reason is simple and this Bible verse can sum that up …
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Matthew 24:36
Even 1 Thessalonians 5 & 2 Peter 3, both tell us that day will come like a thief in the night. A thief comes when we least expect. So will the End of the Times, will come when we least expect.
With that said, we must be ready. I mean ready now. We are never promised the next moment or even tomorrow. We all die!
We will die individually, groups or corporately. We all have a final destination … Heaven or Hell!
That final destination is based on Jesus Christ and what we have done with Him. Accept Him or Reject Him!
So there is no need to worry about this if you are saved, a child of God. However, those who are not saved, today is the day of Salvation and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is the ONLY WAY to Heaven.
The end of times will be when God allows it to happen. Going back to Matthew 24:36, note it says that man doesn’t know. It also includes that the angels don’t know either. From way Jesus quoted this, He doesn’t know.
The ONLY person to know when the End of Times is, is God the Father. Yes, only our Heavenly Father knows when that day is. He is not telling anyone either. Nor will He.
So live as if our next breath is our last. After all, it could be. We never know.
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