The Barking Cat 🐈


The Barking Cat 🐈 My name is Lilly Bug and I am a Barking Cat. Yes! I am a cat and I can bark. Cats can memic sounds. #BarkingCat

 The Barking Cat 🐈


My name is Lilly Bug and I am a Barking Cat. When I want my hoomans attention, I just let out a bark. He will say excuse me? I will go meow. Hey it works! But, did you know that cats can imitate sounds. I guess what is why I am good at making a barking noise.

The Barking Cat 🐈 My name is Lilly Bug and I am a Barking Cat. Yes! I am a cat and I can bark. Cats can memic sounds. #BarkingCat

What sounds does your cats make?

I know Joel the Brave can make a goat sound and even a fire truck sound.

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0 thoughts on “The Barking Cat 🐈

  1. Lilly Bug, our sisfur, Lily Olivia, was a barking cat as well. She was a calico. She passed away in January just short of her 19th birthday. Another of our angel fursibs, MacKenzie, made bahing noises like a sheep. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    1. Glad I am not the only barking cat. Sorry to hear for your loss. US cats can imitate tons of sounds! Thanks for the comment and have a great day!

      1. I love being able to identify the feline (and the expectation) from their vocalizations. Or their purrs. They won’t let me write for them – they say I don’t translate well.

        1. LOL hoomans never know what we are saying. They think they do. We just sneak on our hoomans cell phones, tablets or computers when they are asleep or gone to work. We get creative!

          1. This does not surprise me at all – and would explain the “poor battery life” of such tools.

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