Texas Judge Gifts Bible, Atheist At Uproar

Texas Judge Gifts Bible, Atheist At Uproar – A Texas judge gives a Bible as a gift and to no surprise an atheist group is at an uproar.

Texas Judge Gifts Bible, Atheist At Uproar - A Texas judge gives a Bible as a gift and to no surprise an atheist group is at an uproar.
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State District Judge Tammy Kemp, opens a Bible to John 3:16 before giving it to former Dallas Police Officer Amber Guyger. Guyger was convicted this week of murdering a neighbor last year.

So the atheist group, Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), files an ethic complaint.

“FFRF is protesting Judge Kemp rather than joining the rest of the nation celebrating the compassion and mercy Judge Kemp demonstrated. We should all be thankful the law allows Judge Kemp’s actions and we stand with her and will gladly lead the charge in defending her noble and legal actions.”

In response to the FFRF’s complaint, Hiram Sasser, general counsel for the First Liberty Institute said in a statement,

Judge Kemp also gave Guyger a hug before she left to serve her 10 year sentence.

I stand behind Judge Kemp! If I was a judge, I’d hand Bibles to everyone who came into my courtroom. Besides, we don’t answer to man! We answer to God.

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5 thoughts on “Texas Judge Gifts Bible, Atheist At Uproar

  1. “I stand behind Judge Kemp! If I was a judge, I’d hand Bibles to everyone who came into my courtroom. Besides, we don’t answer to man! We answer to God.”

    No, we don’t answer to your version of your god. The bible has that killing people is no big thing, especially if your god commands it. Your god doesn’t’ have an impressive morality when it comes to killing.

    in that Christians don’t agree on what this god wants, how can we answer to it since none of you can show that your version is the right one? And how can you show that it exists at all?

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