I heard about this story early this morning, February 6, 2015. It is a touching story to hear. A North Carolina teen goes to Target to buy a clip on tie. They didn’t have any so they had the ones you have to tie. Cathy Scott asked her coworker Denise Roberts if he knew how to tie a tie and surely enough he did. SO the employees two Target employees, showed him how to tie the tie, gave him interview tips. Like make eye contact and how to properly shake someones hand. Tuck in his shirt and more. Plus other tips. If this is not customer service, I do not know what it is. We need to take time like this for one another. Help one another. The employee could have pointed to the ties and done nothing. But he done this. The employee also went to the Chick-fil-A the next day to see if the teen got the job and put in a good word for him. As I am recounting the story, tears are coming down my face. At the time of this posting, he is suppose to go back for his Second Interview. He left a good impression with the Chick-fil-A management. I pray that if it is God’s will he will place this young man there. The teens name is not known at this time. Not only did he get encouragement, advice and tips … He left Target with a cheering session!
There are also videos online too of the workers talking about the experience.
We are to encourage and lift others up.
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