Take a nap - It's Biblical and it is good for you too. #Nap #Napping

Take a nap – It’s Biblical and it is good for you too. #Nap #Napping

Take a nap

Take a nap - It's Biblical and it is good for you too. #Nap #Napping

Daniel slept in Lions Den

Peter Slept in prison

Jesus slept in a storm

David knew the Lord had his back. So he took a nap!

God rested on the 7th Day!

No matter the circumstances, you can take a nap!

We Can also take a nap knowing that God has it! Remember God is the one that gives us TRUE REST! We can Rest in Him! Trust in Him! Now the Rest God Gives us, not like the rest we get from a quick snooze. It is an everlasting rest and comfort. An eternal security rest!

More On Napping

Do you relish the idea of an afternoon nap? If so, you’re in good company. According to the National Sleep Foundation, John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein each fancied afternoon naps.

Youngsters nap, and so do many seniors. But by and large, humans are part of the minority of mammals that do not sleep for short periods of time throughout the day, instead dividing their days between sleep and wakefulness.

Benefits of Naps

However, there are some benefits to catching a midday snooze. The Mayo Clinic says napping can be a way to catch up on sleep lost during the night or if a person is feeling sleep-deprived. It also may be a way to relax, increase alertness and improve mood.

The Mayo Clinic also share these benefits …

  • Relaxation.
  • Reduced fatigue.
  • Increased alertness.
  • Improved mood.
  • Improved performance, including quicker reaction time and better memory.

Naps should take place before 3 p.m. and not exceed 20 minutes. The longer and later one naps, the greater the potential it will interfere with nighttime sleeping or backfire and cause daytime grogginess.

The Mayo Clinic also suggest napping in a cool, quiet room.

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